6 sleep hacks you need to try for a deep slumber

Sleep hacks to try for a deep rest (Image via Unsplash / Vladislav Muslakov)
Sleep hacks to try for a deep rest (Image via Unsplash / Vladislav Muslakov)

Sleep is a priceless resource for recharging and recovering from the stresses of everyday life. To truly get that optimal rest, make your bedroom dark and relaxing, and turn off all electronics a couple of hours before you go to bed.

Now, if you are trying to improve your bedtime routine, these sleep hacks can come in handy. These tips can be as simple as creating a cozy bedroom or listening to soothing music. So, let's dive into these hacks that will get you that deep and restful slumber you have been waiting for.

Best sleep hacks you can try tonight for a good night's rest

1) Keep the temperature cool

set a cozy temperature to sleep in (Image via Unsplash / Quin Stevenson)
set a cozy temperature to sleep in (Image via Unsplash / Quin Stevenson)

The right temperature in your bedroom is important if you need a quality night's sleep. Research confirms that those who sleep in cooler rooms have an easier time falling asleep and staying asleep for longer.

But don't freeze yourself out. A somewhat cool environment, approximately 65–68 degrees Fahrenheit, is the sweet spot that sends you to that deep sleep faster than a hot or cold room.

And here's a pro tip: skip the fans. They may cause some noisy gusts of wind that mess with your sleep, even if they don't fully wake you up.

2) Clean your mattress

Clean up your mattresses (Image via Unsplash / Josefin)
Clean up your mattresses (Image via Unsplash / Josefin)

A clean mattress is the key to getting a good rest. You need to clean it at least every six months. However, if you have pets or small children that spill, you should have a cleaning regimen in place more frequently.

Strip away all the sheets and blankets, and get ready to handle the dusty situation hidden underneath (or just give them a good shake). Grab that vacuum and get all that dirt that is hiding in there. Give your mattress the good clean it deserves, and your body will relax right in.

3) Avoid blue light before bed

Avoid screen time at night (Image via Unsplash / Nubelson Fernandes )
Avoid screen time at night (Image via Unsplash / Nubelson Fernandes )

You know what's more dangerous? The blue light that your screen emits. It disrupts your REM cycle. Smartphones and laptops generate blue light, which interferes with melatonin production—the hormone that tells your body it's time to sleep.

Melatonin plays an important role in regulating your internal clock, but when you have artificial light in your eyes from computers, it throws things off and makes going to sleep difficult.

So here's the hack: cut down on screen time in the hours before you crash. Instead, opt for reading a book or listening to some soothing lo-fi mix.

4) Sleeping and waking up at the same time every day

Sleeping at the same time every day (Image via Unsplash / Alexander Grey)
Sleeping at the same time every day (Image via Unsplash / Alexander Grey)

Keeping a consistent slumber schedule is crucial. It's automatic for your body to fall asleep when it's time to hit the sheets. Your circadian rhythm, your inner alarm clock, needs to be in sync and used to the routine.

So make sure you stay on point, not just with bedtime but also with waking up at the same time every morning. Your body is going to be grateful for that steady flow. Staying disciplined can take your sleep game to the next level!

5) Try a sleeping mask and earplugs

use sleep masks (Image via Unsplash / Kristina Petrick)
use sleep masks (Image via Unsplash / Kristina Petrick)

If you're struggling to get into bed, here's a great tip: grab a comfortable sleep mask and some earplugs. These little game-changers will transform your bedtime routine.

Sleep masks help block out all that pesky light messing with your eyes, keeping your circadian rhythm steady and preventing any interruptions caused by bright lights when it's supposed to be dark out.

6) Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine before bedtime

avoiding caffeine or alcohol (Image via Unsplash / Mike Kenneally)
avoiding caffeine or alcohol (Image via Unsplash / Mike Kenneally)

Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine—these three things can harm your body. If you're trying to get back on a bedtime routine, it's best to steer clear of these substances. This can keep you wide awake by messing with your blood pressure and heart rate.

The best solution is to cut back on caffeine after 2 pm. If you don't, it can be difficult for your body to wind down later in the day. So, if you are struggling to fall asleep because of afternoon coffee or an energy drink, consider making the switch to non-caffeinated options altogether. Or at least cut back on the amount of caffeine you consume during the day.

Now that you are aware of these hacks, it's time to put them to the test. If you suffer from insomnia or are constantly weary, these tricks will provide you with stress-free nights and more restorative sleep. These simple additions to your daily routine can make a huge difference in your overall health.

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