Exercise for Fitness: Full Body Moves That Will Help You Stay in Shape All Year

Exercise for fitness to try! (Image via Pexels/Antoni Shkraba)
Exercise for fitness to try (Image via Pexels/Antoni Shkraba)

There are several exercises for fitness that engage numerous muscle groups and help you stay in shape all year round. They provide a multitude of benefits, including improving cardiovascular fitness, building strength, and burning a decent amount of calories.

You can even exercise for fitness at home without requiring any equipment or going to the gym. In this article, we have curated a list of the best exercise for fitness that will keep you healthy and in shape all year round.

Push-ups (Image via Pexels/Karl Solano)
Push-ups (Image via Pexels/Karl Solano)

Best Exercise for Fitness to Stay in Shape

Abs Workout at Home

Abs workouts at home are a great exercise for fitness to build core strength as well as functional fitness for the overall body.

1) Bicycle Crunch

How to do bicycle crunches?

  • Begin by laying down on your back before lifting the shoulder blades off the ground and raising your legs with knees bent at 90 degrees.
  • With engaged abdominals, rotate your left elbow to your right knee while extending the opposite leg to the straight hovering over the ground.
  • Reverse the movement, and swap sides.

2) Reverse Crunch

How to do reverse crunches?

  • Start by laying down on your back with your hands on the sides, toes pointed, and legs lifted off the ground at a 45 degree angle.
  • Press onto your arms, and drive your knees to the chest to elevate your hips off the ground with the core muscles engaged.
  • Reverse the movement, and repeat.
Bicycle crunches (Image via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)
Bicycle crunches (Image via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)

Chest Workout at Home

Chest workout at home is essential exercise for fitness and help with the push and pull movement of the body.

1) Push-up

How to do push-ups?

  • Begin in a high plank position on the ground with elbows tucked to your sides, tightened core muscles, neck in alignment with the spine, and back straight.
  • Slowly lower yourself to the floor with your hands directly underneath your shoulders.
  • Push yourself back upwards by pressing onto your arms. Repeat.

There are also several other modifications to push-ups you can incorporate into your chest workout at home, such as pike push-ups, alternating push-ups, Spiderman push-ups, diamond press-ups, and more.

Exercise for fitness (Image via Pexels/Kampus Productions)
Exercise for fitness (Image via Pexels/Kampus Productions)

Back Workout at Home

Back workouts at home are one of the key exercise for fitness routine that help in building strength and improving posture. The use of resistance bands help improve the range of motion and challenging the muscles with lighter resistance.

1) Banded Bent Over Row

  • Start by grabbing a resistance band and setting it to the ground before standing in the middle of the resistance band and grasping the two ends of the band in an overhand grip.
  • Hinge down from your hips with slightly bent knees.
  • Make sure the back remains flat throughout the exercise.
  • Pull the ends of the band to your chest while squeezing the back muscles.
  • Hold on to the top movement before returning to the starting position. Repeat.

Leg Workouts at Home

Leg workouts at home are important exercise for fitness that help in building power and strength in the lower body.

1) Jump Squat

How to do jump squats?

  • Start with your feet apart at hip distance with your hands at the sides. Drive your hips backwards and downwards.
  • Make sure the chest remains lifted as you squat to the ground. Press onto your heels before jumping back upwards and assuming the standing position.
  • Repeat.
Lunges (Image via Unsplash/Sergio Carpenter)
Lunges (Image via Unsplash/Sergio Carpenter)

The aforementioned article gives insight into the effective exercises for fitness that can be done at home. These exercises target the muscles throughout the body, including the legs, back, abs, and chest.

Exercise for fitness to stay in shape help in engaging muscle groups such as legs, backs, chests, and abs. However, to avoid injuries and reap the maximum benefits of these exercises, it's important to maintain posture.

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