5 Bodyweight Exercises Targeting Each Muscle Group 

Bodyweight exercises are made to specifically target muscle and body regions (Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash)
Bodyweight exercises target specific muscle and body regions. (Photo via Unsplash/Gabin Vallet)

Bodyweight exercises are made to specifically target muscle and body regions, so choose the bodyweight exercises that cause the most muscle activity.

Here is a list of the best exercises to include in your workouts.

Bodyweight moves are indeed the basis of fitness. When you start with these exercises, you're less inclined to harm yourself while gaining a better understanding of your body. That's essential for progressing toward your fitness goals.

Bodyweight exercises to activate every muscle

Here's a look at five such exercises:

#1 Plank (core)

Planks (Photo via Unsplash/Olivia Bauso)
Planks (Photo via Unsplash/Olivia Bauso)

You'd be hard-pressed to find exercises that doesn't include some kind of plank, there's a reason trainers adore the move.

It's the best to work 360 degrees of the core. Core strength is essential for posture, and it supports the spine, allowing to lift heavier objects. Planks, in addition to targeting the abs, also target the glutes and shoulders and are an excellent way to turn on your muscles at the start of workout.

#2 Push-up (chest)

Push-ups provide a lot of bang for your buck. (Photo via Unsplash/Fortune Vieyra)
Push-ups provide a lot of bang for your buck. (Photo via Unsplash/Fortune Vieyra)

Push-ups provide a lot of bang for your buck and became the unsanctioned workout during the COVID-19 quarantine.

Push-ups are just moving planks at their core, which implies they give you the same benefits as that of the static variant of the move while hitting the upper body harder. As you progress, you can try out different push-up variations to help activate more muscles in the shoulders and arms.

#3 Squat (legs)

Traditional squats are bodyweight exercises. (Photo via Unsplash/Meghan Holmes)
Traditional squats are bodyweight exercises. (Photo via Unsplash/Meghan Holmes)

Traditional squats are bodyweight exercises that work every muscle from waist to toes.

Mastering their ideal form necessitates staying focused and bracing the core throughout the move. Keep the mantra 'lift, tuck, lower' at the forefront of your mind to serve as a reminder to maintain your chest up, tuck the lower spine in, and lower the hips to a 90-degree angle from the knees.

#4 Tricep dip (arms)

Tricep dip (Photo via Pexel/Sinitta Leunen)
Tricep dip (Photo via Pexel/Sinitta Leunen)

To do the exercise, place your legs out in front of you, away from the furniture, in front of a bench or the end of a couch. Put your hands on top of the chair behind you, shoulder-width apart and fingers pointing towards your body.

Try and sort your arms, and raise your body to hover above the floor. As you bend your elbows to about 90 degrees, engage the triceps muscles. Return to the starting position by pressing down with your hands and straightening the arms.

To get the most out of the bodyweight exercise, support most of your bodyweight with your arms.

#5 Superman (back)

To do the exercise, lie flat on the ground on a mat with your arms extended overhead in a Y position and legs directly behind you.

Lift your chest and arms off the mat with the back and shoulders. Hold for a moment before lowering back to the starting position. Each set consists of 15 reps. This exercise is among the best for back muscles.


Create customized workout sessions for specific muscle groups so that you can feel the right balance of working and resting the muscles, resulting in optimal muscle growth.

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