Roll your way to a stronger core with rolling ab wheel

Rolling ab wheel helps in getting strong core. (Image via Pexels/ Mart Production)
Rolling ab wheel helps in getting a strong core. (Image via Pexels/ Mart Production)

If you've used a rolling ab wheel, you will be aware of the powerful impact it has on the abdominal muscles.

The benefits of developing a strong, sturdy core extend beyond the gym. Working the body's foundational muscles - abs, obliques and lower back - improve posture, increase strength and prevent injuries.

Before getting to the benefits of this wondrous equipment, let us know about the rolling ab wheel itself.

What is a rolling ab wheel?

Rolling wheel ab focuses on all the abdominal muscles. (Image via Pexels/ Mart Production)
Rolling wheel ab focuses on all the abdominal muscles. (Image via Pexels/ Mart Production)

Although a rolling ab wheel, abdominal roller or abs roller, whatever you call it, appears to be a straightforward training device, it leads to better performance and more reliable outcomes.

Ab rollers are made to move easily across most types of flooring. It often has handles on either side of the center wheel, which is typically constructed of rubber that's non-slip, strong and is light weight. As you roll it forward and backward along with gripping both handles, the wheel puts the core into overdrive.

Using this piece of exercise gear during the extension movement allows you to specifically work on numerous core muscles. That entails the simultaneous, strong activation of all the muscles across the midsection.

Best roller workout for abs

Here are some ab roller exercises to get you started and tighten your core like nothing else:

1) Rolling ab wheel plank

Choose a non-slippery surface for ab roller exercises. (Image via Pexels/Mart Production)
Choose a non-slippery surface for ab roller exercises. (Image via Pexels/Mart Production)

If you're a newbie or simply want to warm up before performing challenging ab wheel exercises, think ab wheel planks.

Here’s how to do a ab wheel plank:

  • Simply assume a plank stance, and grasp the handles of the ab wheel with both hands.
  • If you can, maintain a plank position for 60 seconds.
  • After a short pause, do the exercise for 3-5 sets.

2) Wide stance front roll-out

Next up on the list is the wide-stance front roll-out. It's comparatively simpler than the narrow-stance variation.

Here’s how to do this exercise:

  • Put the rolling ab wheel on the ground in front of you while standing with feet wider than hip-width apart.
  • Take hold of the wheel handles while bending at the waist.
  • Roll forward while maintaining a straight back and open arms till the torso is parallel to the ground and arms are above the head.
  • To get back to your starting position, roll the wheel back towards your feet while bending at the waist.

3) Knee tuck

Hold the handles properly for maximum output. (Image via Pexels/ Koolshooters)
Hold the handles properly for maximum output. (Image via Pexels/ Koolshooters)

Rolling out during a knee tuck requires using the feet rather than the hands. That's great for working the obliques, arms, shoulders and lower abdominal stabilizer muscles.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Set yourself up in a plank position after making sure the feet are safely fastened to the foot attachments.
  • Straighten your back, and keep your hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • While keeping your upper body and back in place, roll in the wheel by bringing both knees up to the chest.
  • Continue extending the knees till you're in a plank position.

Things to remember while using rolling ab wheel

Here are some ab roller suggestions to help you use this potent tool effectively:

1) Choose a non-slippery surface

Even if your ab roller may have decent traction, adopting a non-slippery surface can help it operate better. That excludes tile, hardwood flooring, tiny throw rugs and other smooth floorings.

2) Grab the handles properly – neither too lose nor too tight

Keep your back straight while performing ab roller exercises. (Image via Pexels/Mart Production)
Keep your back straight while performing ab roller exercises. (Image via Pexels/Mart Production)

In essence, you should grasp the handles loosely but not with a death grip. When you grip the handles firmly enough, the arm muscles — particularly the forearms — become overly stiff, which can extend up to the shoulders and neck.

It overworks those muscles and prevents the abs from working as effectively as they can.

3) Maintain a flat back while keeping hips raised

Performing a rolling ab wheel workout wheel incorrectly often involves letting the hips drop, which tends to make the activity easier. Unfortunately, just like speeding through a session, that can lead to poor form and excessive strain on the lower back.

Instead, concentrate on maintaining an upright posture with the hips, a neutral spine and contracted abs throughout the exercise.

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