Jerry Jones' bizarre reasoning for paying $2.4 million settlement to cheerleaders as part of voyeurism scandal leaves much unanswered

Is Cowboys owner Jerry Jones hiding the truth?
Is Cowboys owner Jerry Jones hiding the truth?

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has faced his share of scandals since becoming the owner of the Cowboys, but this latest scandal is just straight-up bizarre.

Apparently, Jerry Jones paid a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader a $2.4 million settlement to settle a voyeurism scandal that involved a Cowboys executive.

But the most scandalous part may not even be the payment Jerry Jones made; instead, Jerry Jones' response has people shaking their heads.

When asked about what happened, here is what Jerry Jones said:

"First of all, the cheerleaders are iconic. A vital part of what our organization is, the Dallas Cowboys. We took these allegations very seriously. We immediately began to look-see, an investigation into the situation. I can assure you that had we found that it need be, there would have been firings, or there would have been suspensions. "

Jones continued with his bizarre answer.

"As it turns out, in the best interest of our cheerleaders, and the best interest of the organization, in the best interest of our fans, what we decided to do was show the cheerleaders how seriously we took these allegations, and we wanted them to know that we were real serious and so the settlement was the way to go,” said Jones."

It sounds like what Jones is saying is the only reason he even looked into this scandal is so he wouldn't get in trouble with the NFL and be sued.

The executive in question retired 6 years after the incident but maintained his innocence.

Jerry Jones is not the only owner facing sexual harassment allegations in the workplace

Washington Football Team Announces Name Change to Washington Commanders
Washington Football Team Announces Name Change to Washington Commanders

Jerry Jones is not the only owner facing some serious allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace.

Washington Commanders owner Daniel Snyder is fighting allegations of sexual harassment in court, as we speak, within his organization.

The situation with Washington is so bad that there is a House committee looking into this situation.

The NFL has also been accused of hiding documents pertaining to these allegations.

The committee even released a statement saying:

"The Committee has received additional documents from the NFL, which we are currently reviewing. We have been clear that the NFL must stop hiding the results of the Wilkinson investigation and fully comply with the Committee's requests, or the Committee will have no choice but to take further action."

A committee spokesperson said the following in an email they sent to National Public Radio (NPR):

"The Chairs are committed to uncovering the truth about what happened within the Washington Commanders organization and how allegations were handled by the NFL in order to inform legislative efforts to make workplaces safe for everyone."

Unlike Jones, who was able to buy himself out of this situation, Snyder wasn't able to do that.

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