4 ways the WWE can save Roman Reigns

The drive by is one of Roman’s better moves

Reigns is just about toeing the line nowWhat course of action do you take when your best asset becomes your worst liability? That’s the question the WWE are facing right now with the man they want in the spotlight, Roman Reigns.At first glance, Reigns appears to have all the tools to make it in the biggest sports entertainment company in the world. He’s built like a tank, has the look and the moves to keep fans’ eyes glued to the ring. But once he gets the mic in hand, it’s a complete 180. Not to detract from his effort, he’s a world away from what the grim, monosyllabic, Khal Drogo-reject in spec-ops gear he first appeared as. But in retrospect, we all have renewed appreciation for the brainwave that was The Shield, because they had each others’ backs, especially Reigns’, in more than one way.The fans aren’t the only ones who consider Reigns’ non-physical aspects circumspect. Even legends such as Scott Hall have granted that he’s improved in leaps and bounds but needs a lot more of a lot more to merit being the WWE’s prima donna. So here are a few things Creative could do to boost Reigns’ stock

#4 Expand skill set

The drive by is one of Roman’s better moves

With a football background, Reigns is obviously an athlete, not just another bodybuilder. His experience serves him well, as he moves with the athleticism of a smaller man and seems to have a bottomless gas tank.

Dipping into that isn’t a bad idea at all. In addition to his power moves, some agility wouldn’t do any harm. Not anything too high-risk, but something like a twisting back elbow or a running somersault splash, especially against bigger opponents.

#3 Revamp

Back to basics?

When an aircraft carrier outlives its usefulness, it gets towed away for scrap. I recently came across an article that said the remnants of one such mammoth seafarer were used in making new vehicles.

The truth is staring us in the face – Reigns’ entrance and gimmick, however nostalgic, is becoming stale. Reigns could be re-packaged in the vein of his ethnicity. He’s a proud Samoan from one of wrestling’s most revered families.

I have said this about Sheamus’ reinvention as well. The skinhead mohawk and nose rings are a nice touch, but instead of a spotlight when he enters, torches would’ve been made it more ostentatious.

Similarly, Reigns could come back with a no frills, hearken-to-the-old-country gimmick, with war drums interlaced with metal, some pyro(loosen the strings a little on this one, WWE) and new gear. And no entering through the crowd. He’s in very real danger in getting shanked one of these days.

#2 Reunite The Shield

Legendary s***

Popular demand is certainly high, and a lot of fans are predicting a reunion this year, but that poses the problem of coming up with a much-improved Shield 2.0. The vigilante justice-dealing shadow dwellers were a massive hit, but with each of them coming into their own, the question of cohesion becomes a tough one.

A feud with another stable seems the best option, and that leaves just the Wyatts. WWE’s resident cult could be given the tag titles, and perhaps another singles belt, to lend credibility to their feud. Creative would to work their gears overtime to create another stable worthy enough of a feud with The Shield.

#1 Heel turn

The loss of the WHC is a blessing in disguise for Reigns as fans seem to like him more in his present form

Wrestlers like The Rock, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are case studies that a face-to-heel flip flop and vice versa can work wonders for a wrestler. All of them were antagonists before winning hearts and even more belts in the WWE.

Legends and veterans, including one Stone Cold Steve Austin, have emphasized that Reigns would have to turn heel before he can be legitimately sold as a main-eventer. The Texas Rattlesnake drew an uncanny parallel with Reigns’ cousin, the Brahma Bull, who wasn’t much of a talker when he took his baby steps in the WWE but later flourished like few others.

It would also suit Reigns to let his moves do the talking and steer clear of trying to use his mouth to get over with the crowd. A heel get-up would fit him like a glove.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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