5 Ways in which the WWE could use Kevin Owens going forward

A lot hinges upon how well Creative books Kevin Owens for Wrestlemania 32

Having won the Intercontinental Championship for the second time in a year, Kevin Owens' WWE future promises muchEver since Kevin Owens sent shockwaves across the WWE Universe by cleanly defeating the Face that runs the Place in his first ever main roster match-up, it has been apparent to all that the Indie wizard was viewed as a valuable commodity and potential superstar by the powers that be.Fast forwarding to present day, despite the intermittent setbacks suffered at the hands of Dean Ambrose, Kevin Owens is well placed to push on in pursuit of higher callings in the WWE, with the Intercontinental Title sitting pretty around his waist for the second time in just one year.Armed with a bristling persona that most heels would die for, the spontaneous gift of gab and an arsenal of moves in the ring that is perhaps unrivalled by anyone other than Cesaro, Kevin Owens is the walking checklist of all the attributes that could ideally elevate a wrestler into the stratosphere.On that note, assuming that the WWE continue to book him in a predominantly favourable light as they have done so this past year, here is a detailed look at 5 ways in which Kevin Owens’ burgeoning career with the company can be further embellished, going forward.

#5 Wrestlemania 32

A lot hinges upon how well Creative books Kevin Owens for Wrestlemania 32

With both the Undertaker and Brock Lesnar – two potential big-name Wrestlemania opponents frequently churned out by the rumour mills – both booked in respective feuds for April, the list of viable and legitimate babyfaces to match up against Kevin Owens is shortening at a worrisome clip.

AJ Styles, Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho are the names that otherwise pad up that list, with the absence of the injured Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, John Cena and recently retired Daniel Bryan being direly felt in the face of an acute lack of star power leading up to Wrestlemania 32.

Whoever the WWE finally decide on, or whether they opt to bank on the experience of their resident behemoths in Big Show or Kane, it is becoming increasingly likely that Kevin Owens’ status as the Intercontinental Champion looks set to receive a consolidatory push at the Show of Shows.

Coupled with the lack of incentive or star power to vindicate a title change, and the fact that he just recently recaptured it in a Fatal Fiveway match, Wrestlemania season has all the makings of the perfect platform on which Kevin Owens’ push towards the main event scene can begin in earnest.

#4 Intercontinental Title reign

Giving Kevin Owens a lengthy run with the Intercontinental Championship could be crucial in building him up

Although Kalisto’s stock has recently risen in the eyes of the company, reflected by the US Title that encircles his waist, there is a unanimous sense of agreement that the belt hasn’t quite been lent the prestige or credence that it was when John Cena was defending it every week.

The Superstar that holds the belt may be a popular babyface in his own right, but unless the Title is defended on a regular basis, there is a ceiling to which the traction that is enjoyed by the wrestler spills over into contributing to the gravitas of the belt as well.

While John Cena was the perfect candidate to uphold the colours of the US Title, given that he wears his patriotism on his sleeve, Kevin Owens is likewise a highly suited prospect to elevate the Intercontinental Championship, otherwise also known as the wrestler’s championship.

He may not be booked as dominantly as Cena was, cleanly emerging victorious week after week, but bestowing a lengthy run upon him with the Intercontinental Title – through count outs and disqualifications mixed in with the occasional squash match – could be the ideal formula to build up Kevin Owens as a heel to reckon with in the WWE.

#3 A Michael Cole angle

Kevin Owens' fractious tryst with Michael Cole stretches back to his NXT days

One of the most entertaining aspects of Kevin Owens’ performance repertoire, apart from the in-ring wizardry that gets the audience chanting “This is Awesome!” all too often, is his unique ability to effectively narrate the storyline underneath all of the chaos.

Be it one of the throaty screams that he unleashes to vent his frustration at a durable opponent, or the fountain of wise-cracks that spew forth when he is on commentary, Kevin Owens rarely fails to stamp his originality or ingenuity on proceedings.

But perhaps amongst all the facets of his showmanship, the most captivating and out-of-the-box trend of his performance battery is how he customarily manages to aim a barbed comment at the much maligned Michael Cole, sometimes even during the course of a match.

Whether this builds towards an unusual programme involving the duo, or is merely an avenue through which Kevin Owens can further establish his persona, we can at least concur that his brewing animosity with Michael Cole is certainly a breath of fresh air amidst an otherwise slightly repetitive product.

#2 Sami Zayn

As evinced yet again between Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, the best friends make the worst enemies

The manner in which the realm of pro-wrestling functions means that the success of any Superstar in the industry is almost never a singularity; with the fates and contributions of other performers also deeply intertwined with how one ultimately fares.

Much like how Shawn Michaels’ and Triple H’s rise in the industry fed off their real life relationship, or how The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin helped nudge each other scale the heights of greatness, Kevin Owens’ career thus far has almost been mirrored step for step by Sami Zayn.

Although only introduced fleetingly into the main roster thus far, it is a widely held notion that Sami Zayn’s permanent promotion from NXT is just around the offing, making the resumption of their bitter rivalry a no-brainer when it does come to pass.

In an era where kayfabe has been eroded into a mere formality at times, the obdurate resolve with which the duo hang on to the genuinity of their feud means that it is only a matter of time before we see them re-create the magical chemistry that they possess, on TV programming as well.

#1 Top heel

If his introduction to the main roster was anything to go by, it may just have been a dress rehearsal for what is to come

Barring Bray Wyatt and an aging Triple H, not to mention the floundering and ineffectual Sheamus, the WWE has suffered acutely from a dearth of main event level heels in the recent past, thus forcing their hand in reviving the villainous boss character that is Vince McMahon.

Given the right push, and booked in such a manner that the momentum that he has so far gathered is not sacrificed lightly, Kevin Owens could well be the answer to address that vacant spot at the top of the heel column, especially with Seth Rollins speculated to return as a babyface.

Despite the fact that he is wildly popular with the internet fans, Kevin Owens has all the attributes that a top heel requires; the technical prowess, fluidity and creativity on the microphone, a humongous chip on his shoulder and a certain presence that espouses force of character.

With Wrestlemania 32 said to mark the dawn of the Roman Era, and with it the advent of a new landscape in the WWE, the time for Kevin Owens to ascend to his potential and install himself as a major player in the company, you would concur, is surely upon us.

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