15 Best WWE Debuts of All Time (Part 2, 10-6)

Lesnar's debut made it to the list at #12
Lesnar's debut made it to the list at #12

And we are back with the second part of this series of 15 Best WWE Debuts of all time, which will feature the next 5 best debuts by WWE superstars in the company's over 50-year history.

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Making an influential debut is the first step to a successful career, and every wrestler wishes to have one of their first day at work. But only a selected few, get to successfully fulfil their wish and enthral the fans on their first day.

The first part, which had five superstar debuts that were the best behind the top 10, featured the likes of Brock Lesnar and Finn Balor, among other memorable debuts. Who will follow these superstars in this list? Let's find out. Here are the next 5 debuts in this list of 15 best WWE Debuts of all time.

#10 Undertaker (1990)


It doesn't matter if you are a new fan of the WWE, an ardent fan of WWE or someone who last watched it back during the Attitude Era, there is a very good chance that you know, or at least have heard, about The Undertaker.

Inarguably the most iconic and recognizable figure in the history of WWE, the Undertaker has been the cornerstone of WWE programming for the better part of the last 30 years, and it all began with that spine-chilling first appearance back at Survivor Series 1990.

Joining the Million Dollar Team as their mystery partner, The Undertaker's walk down the aisle left everyone in attendance in awe. He was the first WWE character that was both big and had a dark aura around him.

After a successful debut where he eliminated two superstars of the opposition team, Undertaker went on to have a dominating run which culminated with a victory over Hulk Hogan a year later for the WWE title, and the rest, as we all know, is history.

#9 Kevin Owens (2015)


There was something about Kevin Owens that screamed success even before he debuted on the main roster. Even during his days in NXT in 2014, the man was sadistic, the man was cocky and he was ready to do anything to make a name for himself.

And he did exactly that on his first night on the main roster, targeting none other than The Face of the Company John Cena on his first night.

With Cena waiting in the ring for his opponent for the US Title Open Challenge, Owens made his way out with the NXT Title in his hand.

Instead of fighting Cena for the Title, Owens attacked him and laid him out with a Pop-up Powerbomb, making it clear he wasn't here for the title.

Less than a month later, he cleanly pinned Cena in the middle of the ring and a little over two months later won Intercontinental Title.

Currently engaged in an interesting feud with Braun Strowman, Owens has been a constant presence in WWE's main event scene since his debut, having been a former Universal Champion as well.

#8 The Shield (2012)


Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns - Three names that have been synonymous with the WWE Main Event for almost four years now.

Three men who are the flag bearers of the present generations of the superstars. Three names who became superstars on their very first night on the main roster.

Inarguably one of the best debuts for a trio of superstars in WWE, the arrival of Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins, who came to be known as The Shield, at Survivor Series 2012 as CM Punk's unofficial henchmen was nothing short of breathtaking.

Interfering during the closing moments of the match, the trio attacked Ryback, one of the challengers for the title, and hit him with a huge powerbomb through the announce table, giving CM Punk the win.

As the biggest heel team on the roster, they faced Ryback and Team Hell No in inarguably the best debut matches in the history of WWE a month later.

The next thing we know, The Trio was holding the title less than six months later and went on to have one of the most memorable breakups a little over 12 months later in June 2014.

#7 Goldberg (2003)


When you look back at the time after WrestleMania X-Seven, it is very hard to find an instant success story from the superstars who arrived in WWE from WCW and ECW.

Sure, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair regained their spot at the top of the card instantly, but others like Booker T and RVD had to wait for four other years before reaching the pinnacle.

However, even during that tumultuous period for former WCW and ECW superstars, there was one who's debut left an immediate mark on the company and the fans. Goldberg's debut, even though it came two years after the closing of WCW, was the best moment for any WCW alumni in the history of WWE.

Targeting The Rock, who was giving his typical heel promo during the Rock Appreciation night after defeating Steve Austin the night before, Goldberg hit him with a vicious spear after declaring himself as his next opponent.

A month later, Goldberg defeated The Rock and became a permanent fixture of the main event for a year, eventually winning the World Heavyweight Title at Unforgiven five months later.

#6 Ronda Rousey (2018)


Talk about setting the whole sporting world on fire with just a single appearance. Everyone knew Ronda Rousey was on her way to WWE after she announcing her retirement from Octagon a year ago, but no one knew when she would make her way to the squared circle.

Right when everyone thought that she would enter the inaugural Women's Royal Rumble and win the match, Rousey surprised everyone by making her way onto the stage after the match.

The reaction of the crowd, one of the loudest of the night, was enough to proclaim that Rousey's debut was one big success.

With just one finger pointing at the WrestleMania sign, Rousey send the whole wrestling world into a frenzy. And let's just not talk about how she has been so far in the ring. In her debut in-ring appearance at WrestleMania 34, she stole the show when she decimated Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. Even her bout with Nia Jax was a pleasant surprise at Money in the Bank.

The future is bright for Rousey, just like her debut was, and it won't be long before she wins one of the Women's Titles on the WWE roster.

Stay tuned for the Final Part!!!

What do you think about the second part of impressive debuts? Sound off your opinions in the comments section below!

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