WWE 205 Live Results (11th October): Unexpected interference in brutal NO DQ main event

Drew Gulak and Tony Nese
Drew Gulak and Tony Nese

Heading into 205 Live, there was a question tonight about what it would be like with a new Champion having been crowned on NXT. Drew Gulak's Championship reign came to an end on NXT on the USA Network.

There Lio Rush returned to win the title in quite the match. Gulak showcased respect for Lio Rush on the night and was the one to help Rush to wear the belt.

Drew Gulak and Tony Nese vs Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

Drew Gulak and Tony Nese teamed up to take on Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan. After losing the title early on, this match was important to Gulak.

With Lio Rush holding the new Cruiserweight title, Gulak and Nese were dominating the match. Gulak looked to take out his frustration on Burch and destroyed him. The focus was on his arm as he cranked on it time after time, inflicting waves of pain on him.

Gulak and Nese worked together with quick tags, isolating Burch.

The moment that Burch was able to get the tag, Lorcan came in and took out Gulak and Nese. He hit a Plancha on them on the outside. He then hit running attacks on both in the corner, followed by a Half Nelson Suplex on Nese.

Nese seemed to get some sort of control with Gulak, as they hit a Suplex on Burch, but Lorcan broke it up with a diving headbutt. Nese hits a 450 Splash but Burch kicks out. The four men exchanged strikes inside the ring.

Unfortunately for Gulak, his losing streak continued. They hit a Joint DDT on Gulak for the win. The three-count meant that he will need to recover better. First the Championship loss, then a loss in this match.

Results: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan defeated Drew Gulak and Tony Nese

Ariya Daivari vs Chris Bay

Ariya Daivari insulted the city and said that he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Daivari means business as is obvious soon enough when the match starts.

He takes out Chris Bay and throws him to the outside. Daivari continued his assault on the outside, where he sent him crashing into the steps.

Back in the ring, he assaults Chris Bay. Chris tried to come back with some big moves, but it was not to be. Daivari hits an enormous Urinagi on him to send a message to his opponent within seconds.

As if all that was not enough, he hammered in his point of being the best athlete or rather 'DeNiro' Daivari with an enormous Hammerlock DDT. It was more than enough to send the point across and he was able to pin his opponent for the 3-count on 205 Live.

Results: Ariya Daivari defeats Chris Bay

Brian Kendrick vs Akira Tozawa (No DQ match)

The former friends turned rivals faced each other in the match where Akira Tozawa attacked first. He was less than happy when Kendrick turned on him and attacked him from behind. Kendrick and Tozawa both take out Kendo Sticks.

This could well be decisive. As Kendrick gets in the ring, Tozawa steps on the stick of Kendricks and proceeds to assault him with the stick. He then chops his chest, followed by a right hand which sends him to the ground.

Tozawa tried a Suicide Dive but it did not work out well for him. Kendrick threw a chair which collided with his head and then threw Tozawa into the steps. Kendrick followed it up with a DDT on the chair but Tozawa kicked out.

Kendrick then brought in duct tape and taped Tozawa's hand on the ropes. Kendrick proceeded to batter Tozawa with the Kendo Stick while Tozawa was left helpless. He brought out another chair and set it up in the middle of the ring with the other chairs. He choked out Tozawa with the Kendo Sticks and then unwraps the duct tape. Kenrick followed it up with a Sliced Bread attempt on the chairs, but Tozawa reversed and dropped him on it. Tozawa then went under the ring to search for weapons.

He piled up the chairs in the middle of the ring and threw in more and more chairs. He followed up with a boot to Kendrick and a Suplex attempt. Kendrick tried to reverse, but in the end it was Tozawa who hit the Suplex on the chairs. Tozawa got hurt by that move as well.

Tozawa brought out a table but Kendrick caught him with a chair. Kendrick attacked him with the stick again. Tozawa managed to take him out with an Enzuigiri and then set up the table. Tozawas slapped Kendrick and then goes to the apron before hitting a Senton on Kendrick which sent him through the table.

Tozawa brought Kendrick in the ring and then piled chairs on him. He went to the top rope and tried a Senton, but Mike Kanellis attacked Tozawa from behind. He assaulted him with a kendo stick and chairs. Kanellis then hit a swinging reverse DDT to end it.

He dragged Kendrick on top of Tozawa for the pinfall.

Results: Brian Kendrick defeats Akira Tozawa

After the match, Kanellis supported Kendrick and helped him up.

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