3 matches from Survivor Series you must see, and 2 you must miss

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For over 30 years, the Survivor Series has become one of the WWE's most popular traditions.

Debuting in 1987, the show originally featured only elimination matches, with the first singles match taking place in 1991, where a rookie Undertaker defeated Hulk Hogan to become WWF Champion.

The show has seen a ton of shock moments, from the Montreal Screwjob in 1997, to the inaugural Elimination Chamber in 2002.

The November pay per view has also had it's fair share of memorable debuts, with The Rock, Kurt Angle and The Shield all having their first on-screen debuts as part of the show.

But for all the amazing, historic moments and matches there are, there are just as many moments that the WWE would rather you forget very, very quickly.

Here are 3 matches from Survivor Series that you must see, and 2 that you definitely need to avoid.

#3 Must-see: WWF Champion Bret 'Hitman' Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels (Survivor Series 1997)

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One of the most real feuds in wrestling, the bad blood between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart came to a boil in November 1997.

After revealing his plan to leave the WWF, Hart and McMahon agreed for the Canadian to surrender the title on RAW, after beating Shawn Michaels at the pay per view.

Of course, we all know what happened. McMahon would interfere in the match, calling for the bell when Shawn had the sharpshooter on, giving Michaels the win, and betraying one of the WWF's most loyal Superstars.

Outside of the controversy, it's a great match, and definitely, one worth watching, with the iconic moment being the true dawn of the Mr. McMahon character, with the former commentator revealing himself as the true owner of the WWF.

We may never know what really went down because of the match, but if you believe Vince, Bret screwed Bret.

#2 Must-miss: WWE Champion Triple H Vs. Vladimir Kozlov Vs. Edge (Survivor Series 2008)

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A match that was focussed more on who wasn't in it than who was, the match was meant to have Jeff Hardy instead of Edge, until Jeff was written out of the match, with him being found unconscious at a hotel room.

Ignoring the subtle hints to Hardy's real-life substance abuse problems, the singles match went on, with Kozlov and the Game having little chemistry with each other.

As then-SmackDown GM Vickie Guerrero entered the fray, screaming "He's here! He's here!" many hoped that the Charismatic Enigma would make his presence know until it was revealed to be Edge, who hadn't been seen since Summerslam.

What made things even more confusing was the last time Edge and Vickie had been together, the Rated-R Superstar had been forced into Hell In A Cell, as punishment for his infidelity.

The match ended, Edge was champion, and the fans were left confused and downtrodden.

#2 Must-see: WWE Champion Randy Orton Vs. Shawn Michaels (Survivor Series 2007)

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A decade after screwing Bret, HBK tried to redeem himself and hoped to do so in topping the new, cocky WWE Champion Randy Orton.

Being injured by Orton earlier in the year, the Showstopper's return was an epic moment, with many hoping that Michaels would shut the Legend Killer up.

Going into the match, Michael's Superkick was banned, with the bout's drama showing the Icon trying to win the title without his most powerful weapon.

In the closing moments, a classic HBK rally led to him on instinct, attempting Sweet Chin Music, before hesitating.

That moment of weakness was just what Orton needed, drilling HBK into the mat with RKO for the win.

It's a truly great match that doesn't get nearly enough credit and just goes to show, that these two men, always bring the big guns for their big matches.

#1 Must-miss Teddy Long Vs. Eric Bischoff (Survivor Series 2005)

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As the GMs of SmackDown and RAW respectively, Teddy Long and Eric Bischoff often locked horns.

As the 2005 Survivor Series rolled around, the WWE focussed on a battle of the brands, in a precursor to the modern show.

But it wasn't just the Superstars warring, as the two GMs battled that night also, with Long promising he'd beat Eric again, just like he did in the Monday Night Wars, despite the fact that at the time, Bischoff ran WCW and Long was a humble WWF referee.

The match (if you can call it such) isn't great. After what seemed an age of the two rolling in the ring, it was the interference of SmackDown's Boogeyman who secured Long the victory.

Eric wouldn't be with the company for much longer, though has made sporadic appearances with the company since, hopefully after washing the worms out of his wife.

#1 Must-see: Team Bischoff Vs. Team Austin (Survivor Series 2003)

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When Steve Austin was made the co-General Manager of RAW, it was not easy for Eric Bischoff. Bischoff had fired the Rattlesnake just a few weeks prior, and now he was back, raisin' hell and takin' names just like before.

Except, that he wasn't. A rule by Linda McMahon made that Austin could not attack anyone unless provoked first, which infuriated the redneck and delighted Bischoff.

Things came to a head at Survivor Series, in a truly epic bout, as Bischoff's 5 guys, taking on Austin's 5 guys, with the stipulation being if Team Austin won, the rule would be lifted, though Austin would be fired if his team lost.

In the end, it came down to a bloodied Shawn Michaels (in his third appearance here) taking on Bischoff's Christian, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton.

Eliminating the first two, Michaels seemingly had Orton beat, until Evolution stable-mate Batista helped the heels get the win.

It may not have been the result Austin wanted, but the handshake and post-match hug to his former nemesis Michaels made it all worth it.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE