4 WWE Feuds that could be the next big thing

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To be totally honest, the current WWE storylines are pretty underwhelming. The Shield reunion is only there to keep Roman from being booed. Talents like Bobby Roode and Finn Balor are wasting away in the mid-card. The tag team division is almost non-existent when it comes to relevance. There is so much more room from improvement.

Here are some feuds that may breathe some life into both Raw and Smackdown.

#4 Drew McIntyre vs Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman has been an unstoppable force. He has gone head to head with both Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns and has still come out looking as strong as he came in. It is just a shame that he has not won the Universal Title yet but perhaps it would be the lack of competition. In terms of strength, there are only a few people who can stand up to the Monster among Men pound for pound.

Drew McIntyre is not only physically imposing, but his in-ring skills also are top notch and can definitely stand up to the likes of Strowman. This feud is fresh and can be great for establishing McIntyre as one of the company's top guns.

#3 Dean Ambrose vs Finn Balor

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Balor has been severely underused. Plain and simple. Even if he pales in comparison compared to the other heavyweights in terms of stature, he makes up for it with sheer heart and determination. This guy put on awesome matches in NXT against big guys like Samoa Joe and those were extremely entertaining. He just needs someone to push him.

Perhaps someone like the Lunatic Fringe, with his imminent heel turn, can push Balor to his limits and finally bring back the Demon. They should make these two push the boundaries of the PG era and go all out. It could be fairly entertaining.

#2 SAnitY vs The Usos

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Two heel groups slugging it out may or may not be a good thing. However, this could be a group trying to establish themselves versus the veterans. The Usos, ever since turning heel, have been nothing short of gold. They are much better heels than faces and they have truly embraced that. The New Day were the only ones who would be a good feud for them on Smackdown but that basically has been overused already.

SAnitY has done nothing significant since entering the main roster. Perhaps by taking on one of the top heel groups can establish their dominance. They put on a great feud with the Authors of Pain in NXT so feuding with a heel group is nothing new for them. Let them duke it out in a Hell of Cell match and that would be nothing short of awesome. Since the Usos would be outnumbered, perhaps they could form an alliance? Samoa Joe maybe?

#1 Asuka vs Charlotte Flair

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Asuka's main roster run pales in comparison to her undefeated streak in NXT. They say the guys in the back are hesitant to push her because of her lack of mic skills. However, they can book her in a way that she does not really need to talk. Turn her heel and let her ring work do the talking. Plain and simple.

Charlotte, on the other hand, has some mic skills to back up her technical skills. In terms of promos, let Charlotte carry the load and let Asuka keep a mysterious sadistic vibe. Fans get something new while Charlotte gets something meaningful outside Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, and Bayley.

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