4 WWE Superstars who once had terrible looks

A future WWE Champion
A future WWE Champion

When a wrestler joins the WWE as the company's newest superstar, a thousand thoughts must race through their mind.

How will the busy schedule affect my life? Who should I try to befriend backstage? What should I look like when I debut?

It's this last question that perhaps takes up the majority of the wannabe superstar's time, as you only get one chance to make a first impression.

When you look at The Shield for example, their look instantly impressed fans.

The black SWAT look had been done in the past, perhaps best by the Big Boss Man in the Attitude Era, but when the trio debuted in 2012, they made it their own, and it would now seem foolish for any future superstar to copy the look.

But for some superstars, their old looks were less than stellar, but have since moved on to better things.

Here are 4 WWE Superstars who once had terrible looks.

#4 Zack Ryder

Ryder with Rosa Mendes makes his way to the ring
Ryder with Rosa Mendes makes his way to the ring

When Zack Ryder went it alone in ECW, the Long Island native wanted to make a name for himself, after being aligned with Curt Hawkins for years.

To make his own name, Ryder wore bizarre half-tights, with one leg being a full tight, and the other cut to just being a trunk.

The look didn't get over with fans, and the commentary team wasn't much more forgiving either, as they criticised the unique look.

Whilst it may have done better on a Diva, at a time when women's wrestling was still primarily about sex appeal, no-one can deny that the look was certainly unique, and got the fans talking about the future US Champion.

Ryder would change the look not long after to simple trunks, which he continues to wear to this day.

#2 John Cena

A very bland Cena makes his way to the ring
A very bland Cena makes his way to the ring

John Cena is one of WWE's greatest stars, with in-ring skills, solid mic work, and a natural charisma.

But when Cena debuted, he was lambasted as one of the most boring, generic superstars on the roster, and reportedly would have been released just months into his career, if not for Stephanie McMahon, who saw the 16-time World Champion free-styling backstage.

Donned in just simple trunks, this incredibly bland look was not helped by Cena's promos, as he was still new to the company, and had virtually no character other than being the embodiment of Ruthless Aggression, whatever that meant.

Fortunately, Cena would develop into a rapper, and trade his trunks for jorts, and whilst there are some who still aren't entirely sold on the jean-shorts look, they're still a hundred times better for Big Match John than those trunks.

#2 Vito

Vito has said Vince and Stephanie McMahon told him to wear the dress
Vito has said Vince and Stephanie McMahon told him to wear the dress

When Vito made his big splash in the WWE, he did so with help, appearing as one member of the Full Blooded Italians.

Together, the FBI were a solid mid-card stable on SmackDown, often helping more established superstars, from the Big Show to the chairman himself - Vince McMahon.

But when the group reunited, though just Nunzio and Vito this time, the big man started wrestling in a dress, much to the horror of his partner.

The story was not handled well, with the commentators in fits of laughter over the idea of a man in a dress.

To his credit, Vito would really make the gimmick work, often appearing outside of the company in a dress to make it seem legit.

Despite his efforts, no-one took him seriously, and he quickly left the company not long after.

#1 Dean Ambrose

This look doesn't exactly scream future WWE World Champion to anyone
This look doesn't exactly scream future WWE World Champion to anyone

This week on RAW, Dean Ambrose appeared wearing a gas mask and jacket, in what has been a very divisive look for his fans.

But to be fair to The Lunatic Fringe, this is by no means his worst look, as Ambrose famously appeared for the company before being signed, with bright neon pink hair.

Appearing on WWE Heat against Val Venis in 2007, the pink-haired superstar competed as John Moxley, and whilst the rest of his attire was more similar to his cooler Shield days, no-one could ignore the bright fluorescent mop he was rocking.

Fortunately, Ambrose would later lose the Pink in favor of his natural locks, and debuted at the 2012 Survivor Series with Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, only changing his attire to a more casual look when the group disbanded in 2014.

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