5 Reasons The WWE Universe Need To Stop Whining About Dean Ambrose's Heel Turn

Why are fans so upset about Dean Ambrose turning on Seth Rollins?
Why are fans so upset about Dean Ambrose turning on Seth Rollins?

It's no secret that emotions were running high throughout the October 22nd edition of WWE RAW and things reached a fever pitch when Dean Ambrose turned on Seth Rollins in the night's main event. The moment came only hours after Roman Reign's shocking leukaemia announcement and was followed up with the betrayal of the century

Only moments after winning the tag team titles from Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre, Ambrose abruptly dropped his title and nailed Rollins with Dirty Deeds in the middle of the ring. He then laid some devastating punches on his former friend, which left Rollins dazed and caused Ambrose to seemingly come more and more unhinged.

Ambrose continued the onslaught outside the ring, where he peppered him with more punches and eventually laid him out with a DDT on the exposed concrete at ringside. This put the WWE Universe into an uproar, especially since it came only hours after Reigns put his career on hold to battle cancer and some fans are crying foul over the incident.

#5 It was already going to happen

We all knew the day would come when Dean Ambrose would turn on Seth Rollins
We all knew the day would come when Dean Ambrose would turn on Seth Rollins

Whether the WWE Universe wants to admit it to themselves, Dean Ambrose turning heel was the plan all along and WWE simply capitalized on the opportunity to do it. Of course, a lot of fans have a problem with how and when things played out, but why would either of those things matter if this was the plan all along?

If nothing else, WWE needed to make a statement and turn the attention to the future of the company, which is what they did when they had Ambrose turn heel on Rollins. Furthermore, the change was arguably needed after Bruan Strowman's big face turn earlier on the show, which created an imbalance in the heel to babyface ratio on the show.

In the end, maybe some fans didn't find the moment tastefully done or just wanted to end things on a positive note, but that's not always how the wrestling business works. In fact, with how WWE has used tragedies to help shape storylines in the past, the betrayal should have come as no surprise to longtime fans of WWE.

#4 Not disrespectful to Reigns

How was Dean Ambrose's heel turn disrespectful to Roman Reigns?
How was Dean Ambrose's heel turn disrespectful to Roman Reigns?

Another argument fans are trying to make is that the move was disrespectful to Roman Reigns, who had just put his career on hold three hours ago to battle cancer. The problem with that argument is that it is doubtful that WWE would have done this without all three of The Shield members' blessing before it took place.

If nothing else, Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose knew this was the best way to move things forward and that's exactly why they most likely agreed to do this. Furthermore, doing the turn now gives Reigns someone to face when he comes back from his battle with cancer, which will help cement him as the hero he was born to be.

In the end, the wrestling world needed to keep turning and WWE did the best job they could to make it happen. It may not have been the way that fans wanted it to happen and it might have been a huge blow to die-hard fans of The Shield, but it served a purpose to propel storylines forward and it accomplished just that!

#3 It needed to have for several reasons

Let's be honest here. Dean Ambrose turning on Seth Rollins needed to happen!
Let's be honest here. Dean Ambrose turning on Seth Rollins needed to happen!

Roman Reigns vacating the Universal title at the start of Monday Night Raw created a huge void for the company and they would have to scramble throughout the show to fill it. The first thing WWE did was turn Braun Strowman babyface, which reportedly was already being experimented with at house shows and made Lesnar out to be the clear heel.

Then WWE took the added step of having McIntyre ambush Braun Strowman before a match, which cemented Strowman's babyface turn and created a mega heel out of McIntyre. This was seemingly to set him up for a Universal title match with Bruan Strowman after Crown Jewel, but who knows if that is the direction WWE will go in.

With that being said, and WWE now having their new babyface firmly established and their next big heel competitor set up for a title match, it was becoming obvious that someone would have to turn heel to take Strowman's place at the top of the card. Interestingly enough, however, no one was expecting it to be Ambrose.

And maybe that's why the moment was so perfect. It was 100% needed, 100% justified and absolutely executed to perfection. It was even so shocking of a segment that the WWE Universe kept chanting "why Ambrose why", which only made things just that much bizarre as they watched Ambrose leave through the crowd.

#2 Swerve of the year

Was anyone expecting Dean Ambrose to turn on Seth Rollins at the end of Raw?
Was anyone expecting Dean Ambrose to turn on Seth Rollins at the end of Raw?

Can we all just take a minute and appreciate how great this swerve was and how WWE was able to execute it without anyone expecting anything in advance? In fact, in a world where WWE and other pro wrestling companies can't do anything without the internet finding out, isn't it amazing that WWE pulled something like this off.

Admit it, no one was expecting what happened following the main event on Monday Night Raw this week, and that's kind of what made it special. While some fans claim that WWE did it at the wrong time and in a disrespectful way, that's exactly why the segment worked and why the moment will be remembered for years to come!

In the end, game recognizes game and WWE pulled off something that outright deserves to be applauded. Not only due to the aforementioned fact that no one saw it coming, but also because it perfectly served the purpose it was designed to. Furthermore, it shaped the WWE landscape for at least the next year or so!

#1 A heel turn is a good thing for Dean Ambrose

This heel turn could be the start of something big for Dean Ambrose!
This heel turn could be the start of something big for Dean Ambrose!

Believe it or not, Dean Ambrose turning heel is the best thing that could have happened to The Lunatic Fringe and his career. Not only does this finally allow Ambrose to play the anti-hero he was always born to play, he also played a part in a seismic shift that helped cement Roman Reigns as the biggest babyface in the company

If nothing else, the WWE Universe has wanted a Dean Ambrose heel turn and main event push for a long time, but now want to complain when they get both in one fell swoop. Even worse than that, they have the nerve to complain after WWE pulled off one of the biggest and most unexpected swerves of all time.

With that being said, WWE still has a lot of work to do if they want this storyline to pan out, but fans outright crapping on it when it's going to benefit their favorite superstar is beyond ridiculous. Of course, WWE could still mess this up like they did with Roman Reigns in the past, but fans are going to ruin it if they keep complaining about it like this!

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