5 Superstars that WWE could bring back for the brand split

Deserves another run

WWE’s brand split is probably one of the most awaited things in the wrestling business. SmackDown and Raw being treated as two separate brands is going to create a lot of buzz among the WWE fans but this is the positive side of things. To pull off such a huge change in the landscape, WWE will need a roster that is pretty deep. The last time they had a brand split, there was a huge inflow of talent from WCW as the company went bankrupt.

This time around, WWE does not have that luxury and will be forced to hire some established names to fill in the voids. In this list, we take a look at five superstars who deserves to get one more shot at the WWE now that the brand split is coming.

#5 Carlito

Carlito is still cool

WWE is currently in a desperate mission to put over Primo and Epico as the Shining stars from Puerto Rico. This mission apparently is not going anywhere and the whole thing has bombed big time. The only way to save this angle and Primo and Epico, in the process, would be to bring back Carlito. From what we know, he is a great leader and will do wonders.

At the same time, as a singles wrestler, Carlito can fit in perfectly into that gap between midcard and main event. And the best part is, he could produce some great matches as well.

#4 MVP

Still a reliable performer

After his spell in WWE, MVP has wrestled all over the world. He had a stay in New Japan Pro wrestling where he showcased some great matches and then moved on to TNA, where he got main event push. Some contract disputes with TNA ended this and soon, MVP landed in Lucha Underground. So if we take a look back his run after WWE, he has been on the creamy part of the business.

With his above average microphone skills and solid in-ring skills, MVP could kick start some good storylines after brand split. He is someone who could be in the midcard championships scenes and could have a reign or two.

#3 Shelton Benjamin

Gold standard

Shelton Benjamin is not a name that the WWE fans can forget easily. Known for his incredible athleticism, Benjamin gifted us some memories to cherish for a life time. He left the WWE back in 2010 and worked in the independent circuit and Ring of Honor for some time before ending up in New Japan Pro Wrestling, where he found a considerable amount of success.

He also has a stint in Pro Wrestling Noah to show off. It’s been almost six years since Benjamin wrestled in WWE and with the brand split coming in, it would be a great time to bring him back into the mix.

#2 John Morrison

Some dream matches to look forward to

John Morrison has all the requirements to be an upper-midcarder in one of the brands. He has proven his worth once in WWE and with the new found experience that he has thanks to Lucha Underground. Morrison has shown huge strides of maturity and improvement since he left WWE and will fit in perfectly into the current roster.

We could get to see some delicious matches in Morrison do come in. Some of these are John Morrison vs. Seth Rollins, John Morrison vs. AJ Styles, John Morrison vs. Finn Balor, and many more. Just the mental picture of all these matches would be enough to justify that Morrison deserves a second go in the WWE.

#1 Kurt Angle

It’s damn real

The rumors about Kurt Angle returning to WWE have been around for quite long. At regular intervals, WWE has shot down the same with the most recent one coming just a couple of weeks back. No matter how many times WWE denies that they are not going to bring in Angle, there is still a chance of seeing him inside the WWE squared circle due to the legendary status that he holds.

Although Angle spent a healthy portion of his career in TNA, it did not affect his legacy as a whole. In fact, he was the person that helped TNA to be on the map. He is still a big draw and even if it is on a part-time schedule, the return of Kurt will boost WWE.