5 ways WWE could move forward with Bray Wyatt’s new gimmick

Wyatt's secret is out
Wyatt's secret is out

Every week, RAW comes out and the first thing I am looking forward to is Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House segment; and he hasn't disappointed so far. Even though the first episode caught me off guard, the more I watched it, the more intriguing it looked.

With every subsequent episode, things started to pick up and now, it is safe to say that it is perhaps the best thing in the WWE right now. When the gimmick initially surfaced, I had written an article on why it would be great, and I am sticking by my claim.

Wyatt - due to his work ethic and character work - is perhaps the holder of the most promising gimmick in the company. So, with all of that in mind, here are 5 ways the company could move forward with his exciting, new gimmick…

#5 Further exploring his 'secret'

In the most recent episode of Firefly Fun House, Bray Wyatt revealed a secret that just about confirmed the dark nature of his new gimmick. In fact, Wyatt stated that there is still a lot of darkness locked up inside his head.

But, he assured, this time it is different as he knows how to harness and control it. After that, he asked his viewers whether they want to see his secret before the mangled and disturbing visage filled our screens.

His new secret was something terrifying. It was Wyatt in a petrifying mask – something that would rival Kane’s original mask - beneath which his eyes ominously stared into the distance.

Right now, the best thing would be to further explore his secret; a good place to start would be to reveal what his alter-ego’s motives are and how far he is willing to go to achieve them.

#4 Making him slowly embrace his darkness

Evil things need to be done
Evil things need to be done

When Bray Wyatt was the leader of the Wyatt Family, he did a lot of villainous acts - acts that he now deems shameful. The new children's show host hates the old version of himself and promised viewers that he would never go back to being the way he was.

However, with the way things panned out in the recent episode, it seems like the new Bray Wyatt might just go on a similar path as his old self. Since the character has a deep-rooted darkness about it, it would be wise for him to embrace this aspect, but in a more nuanced manner than before.

He could attack Superstars in the dark or sabotage someone else’s shot at the title. Whatever it is, making him mingle with the dark arts could be the way to go.

#3 Adding layers of to his character

His character could have a split personality disorder
His character could have a split personality disorder

Wait, what? Didn’t I just say that he needs to embrace his darkness? Yes, I did. However, to avoid the mistakes that kept him from breaking through last time, Wyatt needs to mix things up by doing heroic things would also add another dimension to his new gimmick.

Apart from harnessing the dark side of his new gimmick, it has been hinted that Wyatt might be suffering from a split personality disorder, which could be a convenient platform to keep the WWE Universe on its feet.

So if Wyatt goes on to show traits usually shown by babyfaces, it would cement the split personality of the character. The fans would be informed to expect the unexpected from him. It would also allow him to go beyond conventional categorization of WWE Superstars and position himself as a complex character.

#2 Give him a partner/stable

The former leader of the Wyatt Family
The former leader of the Wyatt Family

This has been talked about ever since Wyatt came back with his new gimmick. We have to realize that most of his best work came when he was the leader of the Wyatt family.

Thus, it would not be shocking if he gets another stable of his own. In fact, it would also allow some other superstar(s), who is/are not getting much TV time to be elevated in Wyatt’s presence.

#1 Feed him opponents

Bray Wyatt needs to get out there and have feuds
Bray Wyatt needs to get out there and have feuds

Obviously, all of this buildup would be pointless if he actually doesn’t have an opponent somewhere down the line. At first, WWE could feed him some enhancement talent to consolidate Wyatt’s position as a top star.

After that, the big ones could come in – especially someone who is holding the title at the time. Wyatt does not need to reintroduced to the audience, but rather re-positioned. His new gimmick has all the potential in the world to do just that, so he can achieve that next level that he has demonstrated the ability to get to - it a matter of connecting with the crowd and delivering a suitable pay-off to his storylines.

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