5  Wrestling Matchups we'd like to see

Kenny Omega and John Cena
Kenny Omega and John Cena

No matter how deep a particular promotion's roster is, the fans always want MORE.

It doesn't matter how far-fetched or impractical the circumstances are. Fans want to see certain wrestlers square off, regardless of the underlying issues that may prevent the match from actually happening.

With social media's added impetus, the wrestling promotions around the world seem to be listening. AJ Styles finally squared off with WWE superstars partly because so many people demanded it.

And speaking of social media, the groundswell of support for Rusev has led to his re-insertion into a casket match against the Undertaker at the Greatest Royal Rumble. Now that fans can influence not only the outcomes but the matchups themselves with just a few keystrokes, it seems that the landscape has changed. The fans are being listened to in ways never thought possible.

This could lead to a series of 'dream matches,' purely dictated by the will of the masses. With that in mind, here are five matchups we'd love to see.

#5 Chris Jericho vs. Ricochet

Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho

It's experience vs. youthful passion in a contest that promises non stop action and great psychology.

Chris Jericho remains one of the best grapplers lacing up the boots on the wrestling scene today. He constantly re invents himself to stay fresh and exciting.

Ricochet is possibly the most amazing talent to come down the pike in years. His mix of high flying wizardry and peerless execution had rightfully earned him a coveted WWE contract.

Why it would be a dream match: When you come up with words to describe Ricochet, the terms innovative, dynamic, and charismatic come to mind. Those words were applied to Jericho 25 years ago during his time as a young lion.

Chances of it happening: Good. Jericho was booked into a match with Undertaker recently, and he has maintained a healthy relationship with Vince McMahon in spite of not being under contract.

This match would be nothing short of amazing. Could Jericho's knowledge and wisdom derail the freight train that is Ricochet? We'd love to find out, and with Jericho apparently returning to WWE it just might happen.

#4 Young Bucks vs. The Bar

The Bar
The Bar
The Young Bucks
The Young Bucks

In this David vs. Goliath contest, the bigger team are actually the underdogs!

The Jackson brothers are the most successful tag team in the world right now, having held gold in almost every major promotion--except WWE.

The Bar are big, tough, athletic veterans with more than enough technical skill to match up against the Bucks.

Why this would be a dream match: One has but to watch FCW footage of Sheamus and ROH footage of Ceasaro to know how well they work matches with smaller men. The Bucks have proven that they can deliver excitement while brawling with the biggest and the meanest, like Hanson and Rowe. Four wily veterans at the top of their game have all the right ingredients to put this one over the top.

Chances of it happening: Poor. The Bucks love their independence, and the Bar seem to be WWE lifers at this point.

While the Young Bucks claim to be satisfied working on their own terms, every wrestler would jump at the chance to work for WWE given their huge platform and lucrative contracts. Could the Bar ground the Bucks and avoid invitations to a Superkick party? Or would the Bucks unleash Hell on the European duo? If only we had the opportunity to find out.

#3 Nia Jax vs. Piper Niven/Viper

Nia Jax
Nia Jax
Piper Niven (Left.)
Piper Niven (Left.)

With her size and power, there are few women who can stand toe to toe with Nia Jax.

One of those women might be Piper Niven. The international wrestling star has held gold all over the world, and could certainly bring the fight to Jax.

Why this would be a dream match: Piper is one of the best in-ring workers in the world. She seems almost akin to Dean Malenko in her ability to wrestle nearly any type of match, matching them move for move. On the other hand, Nia Jax has a powerful frame and has put in a great deal of time at the performance centre working on her strength training.

Chances of it happening: Fair. Niven is not under WWE contract that we know of, as her appearances for PWG can attest. However, her profile is still up on WWE.com, so it's not out of the question.

Experience vs. power is an interesting matchup we would like to see.

#2 Undertaker vs. Punishment Martinez

Punishment Martinez
Punishment Martinez

Undertaker is an icon, one of the most celebrated big men to ever lace up a pair of wrestling boots. His mystique and skill have won him fans the world over.

Punishment Martinez is a young lion with all the tools and attributes you'd want from a legendary pro wrestler.

Why it's a dream match: When Larry Zybysko debuted, he was paired off with Bruno Sammartino because management thought the two men were similar in temperament. A similar teacher versus student angle could be built around Undertaker and Punishment Martinez, possibly even involving Taker's 'brother' Kane. Undertaker re-wrote the book on how big men could perform, and Martinez is incredibly agile, perhaps even more so than the Deadman. Plus, it's always a thrill to see two giants square off.

Chances of it happening: Fair. Martinez is under contract with ROH, but then again so where Bobby Fish, Adam Cole, and the War Raiders not so long ago. The sands of time are running out on Undertaker's in-ring career, though, so if this match doesn't happen soon it might not ever materialize.

Could the faster and agiler Martinez bury the Deadman? Or would Martinez be on the receiving end of a Tombstone piledriver? Fans desperately want to know.

#1 Kenny Omega vs. John Cena

Kenny Omega and John Cena
Kenny Omega and John Cena

John Cena is a household name and has dominated the WWE for over a decade.

Kenny Omega is the fastest rising star in New Japan, and perhaps the world.

This is a contest teased on Twitter in 2017, only for fan's hopes to be dashed when Omega re-signed with New Japan.

Why this would be a dream match: Love him or hate him, you can't deny that in spite of CM Punk's theme song, John Cena is pro wrestling's true cult of personality. His magnetism and charisma have sustained his career through changes in the wrestling industry, and he stands poised to conquer the box office just like the Rock before him.

Kenny Omega is probably the most popular wrestler in the world among the 'smart fan' community. His dazzling displays of aerial acrobatics and insanely fast and stiff kicks have earned him a reputation as one of the finest performers in the world.

If the two squared off, a partisan crowd would crash duelling cheers against each other even as these two titans crashed their bodies together.

Chances of it happening: Eventually? Fair to good. In the next year? Practically no chance at all. Kenny Omega is still under contract with New Japan. With John Cena winding down his wrestling career, we don't see him signing a deal with New Japan but never say never.

Could the hard hitting, high flying Omega derail the power game of Cena, or would he be instructed by the doctor of Thuganomics? Perhaps next year when Omega's contract expires, we will find out!

There you have it; Five matchups fans would love to see. What other match ups would you love to see happen? Comment and let us know.

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