7 Current WWE Superstars who are rumored to replace Brock Lesnar 

There are a host of promising superstars who can take Lesnar's place in WWE.
There are a host of promising superstars who can take Lesnar's place in WWE.

Let’s just get the indisputable fact out of the way; there will never be another Brock Lesnar. The man is built like a saltwater crocodile with the mobility of a Russian gymnast during his matches.

You can hate him all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that the Beast Incarnate is the most accomplished Superstar in professional wrestling history.

NCAA Wrestling Champion, UFC Champion, NJPW Champion, WWE Champion, WWE Universal Champion and the conqueror of the Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak -- go find me a better resume; I’ll wait.

Brock Lesnar’s aura is unlike any generic sports entertainer we see on a weekly basis. He is a special talent who has been aided by WWE management’s generosity. He has it all that a pro wrestler desires for-- an outrageously relaxed schedule, distinguished booking, and a privileged 8-figure contract.

But it could all come to an end soon as reports suggest he could leave the company after WrestleMania 35. The WWE Universe wouldn’t have any problems with that, given that he isn’t around that often anyway. However, irrespective of the scarce appearances, Lesnar is a proven draw who would need to be aptly replaced by WWE at the top of the card.

Here are a few names that have been rumored to assume The Beast Incarnate’s mantle…

#1. Lars Sullivan

To take Lesnar's place, Sullivan would first have to conquer his own demons
To take Lesnar's place, Sullivan would first have to conquer his own demons

You put Lars Sullivan and Brock Lesnar inside a ring and the bets will go in favor of Sullivan coming out on top. Seriously though, if Brock Lesnar is a tank then Sullivan is a Caterpillar 797 Haul truck.

It’s unfortunate that Sullivan’s scheduled debut was pushed back due to a nervous breakdown, but the 30-year-old prospect is said to be back to his normal self now and could make his main roster debut soon. Knowing WWE, it may be reserved for the Raw or SmackDown after ‘Mania.

Sullivan has always been viewed as Lesnar’s heir due to his monstrous frame. It was said that Lesnar himself was impressed with Sullivan’s potential and once dropped by at the performance center to specifically train with him.

Could we see Sullivan debut as Paul Heyman’s new client after WrestleMania 35?


#2. Bobby Lashley

All is not lost for The Dominator.
All is not lost for The Dominator.

Bobby Lashley’s latest WWE run has been incredibly underwhelming. All the hype of his long-awaited comeback has fizzled out and while he may be the current Intercontinental Champion, the WWE Universe expected greater things.

For starters, we never got the proposed Lesnar vs. Lashley dream match and it may quite possibly not happen anytime soon. However, it’s never too late to plant the seeds for a future showdown or at the very least, to pass on the baton to Lashley.

The Dominator and The Beast Incarnate have a lot in common. Both have had successful MMA careers, are physical specimens, and are good friends with Paul Heyman. Heyman is the important link here that can make this match happen or even a transition for that matter.

Lashley is a fairly decent candidate to replace Lesnar as the towering wrecking machine on Monday Nights. Lashley’s lack of charisma is somewhat evident, but Lio Rush has done a commendable job thus far on making the dynamic work. Worst case scenario, WWE can always turn towards Heyman and his genius for help.


#3. Braun Strowman

Did WWE get this feud all wrong?
Did WWE get this feud all wrong?

Whatever happened to the Monster Among Men? Once tipped to be the next big thing after his memorable exploits against Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman’s stuttering WWE career has hit a new low.

The former Black Sheep of the Wyatt Family was announced for the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal for WrestleMania 35. A painfully protracted feud with Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre, and Bobby Lashley which ended up going nowhere has hurt the stock Strowman to a great extent.

The fans were quick to brandish him as the potential replacement for Brock Lesnar when Strowman made his main roster debut on August 24th, 2014. Almost 5 years later and with a couple of hurting title losses against Brock Lesnar himself, it may seem like the WWE could be giving up on the former Strongman.

However, all is not lost. All it would take for Strowman to get back into the scheme of things is a well-booked feud against a top star. WWE would need a behemothic figure after WrestleMania 35 and Strowman’s improvement over the years and his popularity makes him a sensible alternate for The Beast Incarnate.

Also, Strowman brings along a lot of merchandising value which the WWE has already been cashing in on.


#4. Roman Reigns

Reigns is the anointed face of the company.
Reigns is the anointed face of the company.

Yep. The Big Dog. The vanquisher of Leukemia. Vince McMahon’s Chosen One. Roman Reigns is the present and the future. He was the anchor of Raw before leukemia returned to play spoilsport but he is now back and is certainly on course towards retaining his place atop the card.

While Rollins may have his WrestleMania moment, don’t be surprised to see WWE aggressively push Reigns again in the post ‘Mania season which could culminate in an inevitable Universal title win sometime in 2019 itself.

Reigns was always earmarked to be the man who would eventually take the Beast down and while he successfully did so after many failed attempts, WWE has still not been able to give the former WWE Champion a sustained run with Raw’s top title.

Now that Lesnar is seemingly on his way out, WWE can conveniently make Reigns the biggest draw on its flagship show. However, there are fresher options that are relatively obscure to the main roster followers…


#5. Dominik Dijakovic

At 6'7
At 6'7", Dijakovic has all the makings of a top star.

The former Ring of Honor talent is 6’7” tall and you can’t teach that. Now I know you’re going? Dominik Dijakovic? Seriously? Yes, seriously!

Dijakovic, formerly known as Donovan Dijak during his time in the indies, has the frame and the in-ring skills to back it up. Vince McMahon likes his tall and hunky employees while Triple H likes the hard-working blokes from the independent circuit. Dijakovic has all the necessary tools to succeed on the main roster, however, as we’ve realized in recent times, being strong and intimidating isn’t the only criteria to achieve main event status.

Strowman’s case is a prime example as it is a daunting task for any upcoming prospect to break through to the top. The chances of the 31-year-old Dijakovic replicating the level of Lesnar's success are, in all honesty, quite bleak as WWE isn’t short on big athletic dudes.

However, his character work and microphone skills would determine how far he goes in the big leagues.


#6. Keith Lee

Lee is incredibly agile for a man of his size.
Lee is incredibly agile for a man of his size.

For a man who is 6’2” and weighs 320 lbs, Keith Lee moves like a cruiserweight inside the ring. He can hammer you into the mat while also execute a moonsault that would put Christopher Daniel’s finisher to shame. Well no, that still is the Best Moonsault Ever!

Similar to Dijak’s case, Lee is still not a well-known figure when it comes to the main roster faithful. One of the biggest reasons why AJ Styles became a major player in the WWE was because he was quite popular even before he stepped foot in the WWE.

Lee and Dijak may never come close to achieving what Brock Lesnar has managed to do in WWE, and sadly, they may never even get a fair shot to do so; but, both the indie sensations have the predominant requisites to be the ‘Next Big Thing’.

Remember, Brock Lesnar was a nobody too before he went on to become the second fastest superstar to win the WWE Champion since his debut. We all know what happened thereafter.

Keith Lee has the magnetism and can put in a shift in the ring. All he would need is to impress the right people backstage to get a proper push. He even has Brock Lesnar on his radar...


#7. Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey is already the female equivalent of The Beast Incarnate.
Ronda Rousey is already the female equivalent of The Beast Incarnate.

Isn't it obvious enough? Ronda Rousey is the female incarnation of Brock Lesnar. The former UFC Champion has assumed the role of being the antithesis to kayfabe and is similar to Lesnar in more ways than one.

She is a bonafide MMA Champion, has a distinct in-ring style that plays to her strengths and is a huge mainstream attraction that pulls in viewers from outside the WWE's spectrum. Most importantly, she is booked to be an absolute killer.

Now I'm obviously not implying that she will replace Lesnar in the men's division as that would be insanity. We live in the era of pro wrestling where the women are inarguably getting more attention than their male counterparts and Rousey has had a big enough role to play in the unprecedented rise of the women's division.

Rowdy has the star power to push the boundaries of female wrestling even further than it already is and in the coming months, is expected to play an even more significant part with the likes of Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Asuka and various others enacting their respective supporting roles.

Yes, WWE needs Ronda to keep up the momentum of the long-drawn revolution and despite the rumors floating around that state she could take a hiatus after 'Mania, WWE will keep her in the mix as a part-time attraction until she returns on a full-time basis later on in the year.

Rousey can be afforded the freedom to go and come back whenever she wants while also breaking the fourth wall and that is something only a handful of superstars are allowed to do, including Brock Lesnar.


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