7 Superstars that can carry WWE to better days

Drew is back, better than ever!
Drew is back, better than ever!

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a shift currently taking place in the foundation of professional wrestling and within that shift brings a season of change. Yes, change is in the air and it comes in the form of the upstart wrestling promotion called All Elite Wrestling.

AEW recently pulled off an electric pay-per-view event at the sold-out MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas. This event sent shockwaves all throughout the entire wrestling world, which have been felt by everyone, including the big boys at WWE. For quite some time now, fans have been screaming for WWE officials to make some changes, specifically with the creative process. Now that AEW has proven to be legit and a potential programming alternative in the near future, once the promotions make their network television debut.

Some fans have suggested that WWE is currently losing their best superstars, with more waiting for their respective contracts to expire so they can move on as well. Personally, I'm not buying it. While I am a huge fan of what Cody, The Young Bucks, and AEW have done thus far, I still believe WWE is the cream of the crop, with the very best performers on the planet happily under contract.

When you take look at the current state of the WWE main roster, who are some of the active Superstars who could potentially load the company on their shoulders and carry it to a better place, creatively? I have thought about this for a long time now and have come up with seven current WWE Superstars who are capable of carrying the company to better days.

#7 Big E

It's time for Big E to look out for himself again.
It's time for Big E to look out for himself again.

When Big E was signed by the WWE in late-2009, there was a lot of comparisons to Hall of Famer Mark Henry. Like Henry, Big E had a successuccessful lifting career prior to ever setting foot into a wrestling ring. While Big E was brand new to the wrestling industry, he possessed all the natural presence and athleticism necessary to give him the best opportunity at a successful WWE career.

When Big E made his main roster debut, he made his mark as a monstrous heel by attacking John Cena and aligning forces with Dolph Ziggler and crazy little AJ Lee. During this angle, Big E came across as a relentless, unbeatable villain, which was a role he worked perfectly. But as we now know, things would take an incredible turn for Big E and his career was sent from one extreme to another.

When Big E teamed up with Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston to form The New Day, there were plenty of doubters concerning this "hokey" new faction. Fortunately for these three Superstars, this stable would take off and become one of the best trios to ever grace a WWE ring.

The New Day has seen a plethora of unbelievable success. With that said, there's not much left for them to accomplish. Maybe that's why there have been rumors of Big E turning on his brothers and reverting back to being the monstrous heel he once was. If that is the case, this man has enough power, skill, and presence to completely change the face of the main roster as we know it.

#6 R-Truth

R-Truth has a unique connection with the fans.
R-Truth has a unique connection with the fans.

If you have been watching WWE programming lately, you are probably aware that WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley recently introduced the newly created WWE 24/7 Championship. This unique title has some hints of the old Hardcore Championship, but it is very different in its own way.

While the title may have a lot to be desired when it comes to the appearance, it has become somewhat of a hit with fans, primarily because of the efforts of its current holder. R-Truth captured the 24/7 title from Robert Roode and has gone on a crazy, yet highly entertaining journey ever since, in an effort to keep the strap.

Truth has never been looked at as one of the top title contenders, but he certainly has a role with the company and he serves his purpose very well. At 47-years young, R-Truth is probably entering the final stretch of his career, but when you look back at what he has done and how he has done it, it's hard to deny his place as a legend in his own right.

Ron Killings began his career back in the mid-to-late '90s and is spoken highly of everywhere he has gone. His biggest accolade probably came during his stint with TNA, when he captured the coveted NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship. However, Truth has also done pretty well for himself as a WWE Superstar as well. Truth will be remembered more for his antics and his comedic ways of entertaining the fans, more than any title victory he may have had.

Despite being in the twilight years of his career, Truth has plenty left to offer fans while he is still around and we should all be more appreciative of his outstanding efforts both in and out of the ring.

#5 The Miz

He is simply AWESOME!
He is simply AWESOME!

Mike Mizanin was born to be a professional wrestler. It's a destiny that he recognized early on in his life and a desire he never lost sight of. The world first met Mike during his time on the hit MTV reality show 'The Real World,' back in 2001 when he was a cast member on the 10th Season of the show.

During the airing of that show, Mike made it clear to the world that he was going to be a professional wrestler. During this time, we were all introduced to his alter-ego, which ultimately became his wrestling name: The Miz.

The Miz has always been loaded with charisma and a deep passion for the sport of professional wrestling. If you study him as a person, you will quickly learn that not many people are as passionate about the industry as The Miz is.

His career has been full of up's and down's but through it all, The Miz has remained laser-focused on what he needs to do to be successful. This has resulted in a laundry list of Championship victories and an entire fanbase that has gotten behind him. The Miz is one of those go-to guys for WWE, who will always be a constant source of top-notch entertainment, regardless of the storyline that he is involved in.

#4 Cesaro

The Swiss Superman is ready to carry the load...
The Swiss Superman is ready to carry the load...

Ever since signing with the company in 2011, fans have been begging WWE officials to pass those ever elusive brass rings to Cesaro and watch him take off. Unfortunately, we have yet to see the creative powers-that-be put their full support and trust behind the Swiss Superman and because of their lack of faith, fans have not been able to experience Cesaro's full potential. With that said, I still have faith that we are soon to see a big break for Cesaro, which should result in some of the best wrestling we have ever seen.

Prior to making his way to the WWE, Cesaro made a huge name for himself on the independent scene, primarily as Claudio Castagnoli, which happens to be his real name as well. Throughout his career, he has seen massive success all over the world, with top promotions such as Ring of Honor, CZW, Chikara, Pro Wrestling Guerilla and Pro Wrestling NOAH, just to name a few.

Cesaro was widely regarded as one of the very best independent stars on the planet and to this day, wrestlers from everywhere recount stories of working with Cesaro, claiming to work with him was like not working at all, simply because Cesaro carried so much of the load.

If Vince and his creative minions are wise with Cesaro, they will understand what type of gem they have on their hands and the potential money there is on the table with him. Cesaro doesn't necessarily need a title to prove his worth, although he is more than worthy of a top title at this point in his career. Regardless, if he ever wins the WWE Championship or the Universal title, Cesaro has all the tools and potential to be one of this era's best professional wrestlers.

#3 Ricochet

This ain't your average indie darling!
This ain't your average indie darling!

In the past decade or so, independent wrestling has seen a surge in popularity unlike any time before. Some actually compare the current state of indie wrestling to the old territory days.

Those who have become frustrated with WWE's writing and/or creative issues now have viable alternatives to seek out. Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerilla, EVOLVE, ICW, and CZW are just a few of the recommended promotions out there that fans should check out. Not to mention the rebirth of the National Wrestling Alliance, thanks to Billy Corgan and crew.

With the rise in indie wrestling popularity, there has also been a new breed of talented performers who have found success without even touching a WWE ring. One of those names was Ricochet, prior to signing with the WWE. Ricochet became infamous for his 5-Star matches and amazing high-flying ring work.

For years, Ricochet was one of the top guys who WWE fans thought we would probably never see in a WWE ring. Thankfully, we now have full access to this amazingly talented superstar and if WWE's creative brass plays fair, Ricochet will soon be at the very top of the WWE main roster.

#2 Drew McIntyre

All heart, with even more talent.
All heart, with even more talent.

If you take a brief mental trip back in time, not too long ago, you may recall a time when Drew McIntyre was dubbed by Mr. McMahon as "The Chosen One." Then if you fast-forward just a little, you'll then see the same guy playing the air guitar on global television. Talk about one extreme to another!

Nevertheless, Drew never took his eye off of the prize because he knew what he was capable of and he was hell-bent on making sure the rest of us figured out that same sentiment.

When McIntyre was released by the WWE in 2014, not many folks expected we'd ever see The Scottish Psychopath back on WWE programming. However, Drew had other plans and when he departed the company, he went on a global tour of absolute domination.

McIntyre shredded his body and became the best performer he could possibly be. He would go on to topple greats all over the world, including Impact Wrestling, EVOLVE, ICW and PWG before eventually catching the eyes of WWE officials, who came crawling back to Drew, practically begging the highly underrated star to come back home.

Since returning to the WWE, Drew has dominated the overly talented NXT roster and is now paired with Shane McMahon and the two are completely taking over the RAW roster. Drew has accomplished a lot throughout his career, but it is the opinion of this writer that we have yet to see his best yet. I believe Drew McIntyre is enroute to the very top of the main roster, soon to become either the Universal Champion, the WWE Champion...or both.

#1 Bray Wyatt

Let me in...
Let me in...

If there is only one light at the end of this wacky tunnel we call professional wrestling, it is definitely the work that Bray Wyatt has been doing for the past couple of months. I'll be the first to admit that when I first saw this whole "Firefly Fun House," I was not very optimistic, nor was I hopeful about Wyatt's future.

However, in the weeks since the debut of this tweaked gimmick, I have grown to absolutely love the storyline. That is the unpredictable chaos which wrestling offers us at times.

Bray Wyatt had a very strong run as The Eater of Worlds and during his time as the leader of The Wyatt Family, Bray successfully gained a cult-like following to help with his character getting over. Unfortunately, someone made the unpopular decision to revamp Wyatt's moniker.

When Bray took the recent hiatus and rumors began to circulate regarding his gimmick and the possibility of a repackaging in his future, I immediately began to worry, thinking about all of the work this guy has put into his character and the incredible impact he had made up to that point.

Thankfully, Vince didn't completely ruin the wacky, demented persona that we came to enjoy. In fact, his character was simply tweaked minimally, in order to get the very best out of this highly talented third-generation WWE Superstar.

Bray has done a fantastic job telling his new story and when he finally gets back in the ring full-time, he will once again have the whole world....in his hands.

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