Opinion: Why Big E Should Be the New Day Member in the Money in the Bank Match

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After defeating The Bar on Smackdown Live a few weeks ago, one member of the New Day will be entering the Money in the Bank ladder match next month, and that member should undoubtedly be Big E.

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The New Day has grown stale in the past couple of years. Their feud with The Usos did revitalize them for a short while, but now they are back to being boring. Frankly, the pancake act is getting lame.

The decision of which member could provide the proxy to break them up, whether it be mutual or leading to a feud. However, it's quite clear that of all three of the members, Big E has the most upside and future potential at the moment.

I doubt many will remember, but before the New Day, Big E was a former Intercontinental Champion all the way back in 2013, as well as being a former NXT Champion. So he has past success as a singles wrestler.

It was also documented that Big E was going to be pushed as the face of the company eventually, but obviously, that hasn't happened to date. Big E is good in the ring and is good at cutting a promo as well, as he can go from comedy to being serious quick. I feel he could work as either a face or a heel in the main event scene.

Kofi Kingston has had a well-documented singles career before the New Day formed, being a former United States and Intercontinental Champion. However, he just hasn't reached the next level. The closest he was to the main event scene was when he feuded with Randy Orton in 2009, and most people know how that ended.

With the constant inflow of new talent, people like Kofi, who have been around for a long time, may not have too much time to become World Champion. The question is has Kofi's time passed, or does he still have time to reach the brass ring?

Lastly, there is Xavier Woods, who is more known as a tag team wrestler more than a singles wrestler, dating all the way back to his days in Impact Wrestling. Woods is decent in the ring and on the microphone, but if New Day did break up, he would be the worst off of all of the three.

I don't see Woods as a main eventer, maybe a mid-carder, but nothing more than that. I could even possibly see him just being on pre-shows, especially now that Pay Per Views are co-branded.

Whichever member of the New Day is added to the match, I don't see fans complaining, and it would help any of the three members, even Woods, but based off of past success and future potential, I believe that Big E should be the one in the match come next month in Chicago.

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