Why Bray Wyatt's great promos don't guarantee a great match at WrestleMania XXX

Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt

It is beyond evident that Bray Wyatt can talk the talk. Take any of his promos, and you will see him not miss even a single beat. He has been consistent, and that has just made many people listen to him even more and even more carefully. He can seriously make the audience in the arena observe pin drop silence while he is talking. And though he can make the audience give their full drawn attention to his talk, the same can’t be said about his time inside the WWE ring.

This is not an opinion made in haste, but one made with observation. Since arriving in the main roster he has gone up against Kane, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan and members of the Shield in different Pay Per View matches. Out of them the most memorable and probable Match of The Year winners has been his bouts with the Shield and Daniel Bryan. As for the other two with Kane and Kingston were just bordering disaster.

So Wyatt’s in ring performance so far has been 50-50.

The audience did not get all awed with Wyatt in the beginning of his Raw days. It took a bit of time but slowly they had no other option than to listen to Wyatt, what he actually had to say and does he even have a bone of coherence in his body. And when they finally gave in, realization set in. That even though he is unlike any other speaker in the WWE, he is, in his majorly twisted ways, entertaining.

While he is mesmerizing when he speaks, he isn’t on the same level when he wrestles. What I mean to say is, he has been able to garner attention for his match with Daniel Bryan (who never really has a bad match with anyone) and a triple tag match with the Shield (who again don’t have a bad match with any-three) but when he squared off against Kane, Kingston or even Reigns, he wasn’t really spectacular.

The moment he is put in the ring with someone who knows their ring psychology well and someone who’ve had a bout of great matches, we’ll observe the best to come out of Wyatt but if one puts him in a match with relatively lesser popular wrestlers with somewhat fixed movesets, it isn’t quite a must see deal.

I do not in any way mean to say that Kane and Kingston are underwhelming wrestlers, but their WWE-kind of wrestling is mostly predictable. So blame it on Creative!

Now, after all this, comes John Cena. A man known for his five moves of doom. Now how will he fare or put over Bray Wyatt?

If we look at Cena’s career and look at all the great matches he had, we need to focus on who he was facing whenever he’s been involved in a five star caliber match.

Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Cesaro.

In all aspects of technical wrestling these three men are far superior in the ring than Cena. Cena is a great wrestling character and all his characteristics add to him being booed and cheered in a match, and such noticeable characters make matches with other equally noticeable characters, who are also gifted in the ring, much more must see.

Cena has done a good job in making Wyatt look like quite an orator where he has maybe for the first admitted that he’s afraid of a particular superstar. He emphasized that he’s even more afraid that people are actually listening to him.

Wyatt and his propagandist line of thought is the highlight reel of WWE, these days. But that’s not quite enough for Mania.

Here’s the bottom line- Wyatt producing money promos won’t really guarantee a really great match at Wrestlemania. The build up to it will guarantee Wyatt substantial momentum and support from the hardcore fans at Mania but when it comes inside the ring, Cena and Wyatt have a whole new job to look after.

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