Dream Booking the 1st Round of the WWE World Cup

Seth Rollins & Dolph Ziggler have stolen the show against each other on Monday Night Raw
Seth Rollins & Dolph Ziggler have stolen the show against each other on Monday Night Raw

The WWE World Cup Tournament will take place at WWE Crown Jewel on November 2, 2018. This tournament will be an 8 man tournament. Dolph Ziggler, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Seth Rollins, & The Miz will all compete in this tournament to determine who is the best in WWE.

In the first round, Dolph Ziggler will face off with Seth Rollins, John Cena will face off with Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy will face off with Randy Orton, and Rey Mysterio will face off with The Miz.

First Round: Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton

Jeff Hardy & Randy Orton have faced off with each other in the past
Jeff Hardy & Randy Orton have faced off with each other in the past

Jeff Hardy will have an opportunity to get revenge against Randy Orton after the sickening things Randy Orton did to him inside Hell in a Cell during the Hell in a Cell pay per view last summer.

Jeff Hardy will immediately throw Randy Orton over the top rope and hit him with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. He will then go on the top rope before Orton takes him out with a dropkick. Orton then hits a superplex for a nearfall and then goes for the Rope Hanging DDT, but Hardy counters it into a roll up.

Jeff Hardy begins to make his comeback in the matchup and takes Orton out with his clothesline off of the apron. He goes for a Whisper in the Wind but the Viper moves out of the way and then hits a snap powerslam for a nearfall. Hardy then hits Orton with a Whisper in the Wind to the outside.

He jumps to the top of the barricade before Orton hits a DDT off of the barricade onto the floor. Randy Orton picks away at the ear but Hardy counters it into a small package for a nearfall. Randy Orton goes for an RKO but Jeff Hardy pushes him away.

Randy Orton tries to counter the Twist of Fate into an RKO, but Hardy manages to counter it into a Reverse Twist of Fate. Hardy then goes for a Swanton Bomb but Orton manages to get the knees up. Randy Orton then hits the RKO for the win.

Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins

Dolph Ziggler & Seth Rollins competed in an Iron Match earlier this year
Dolph Ziggler & Seth Rollins competed in an Iron Match earlier this year

Dolph Ziggler & Seth Rollins will finally end their rivalry during the World Cup Tournament. The match will start with both superstars exchanging roll-ups. Dolph then catches Seth when he goes for a suicide dive with a right hand followed up by a neck breaker on the floor.

Ziggler manages to stay in control until Rollins monkey flips him out of the ring. Rollins then lays him out with two suicide dives and hits a springboard clothesline for a nearfall. Seth goes for another springboard move but The Showoff crotches him on the ropes. Ziggler then hits a big Jumping DDT for a nearfall.

Dolph then goes for a Superkick but Rollins catches him with two superkicks for a nearfall. He goes for the Frog Splash but Dolph gets the knees up. Dolph rolls him up and uses the tights for a nearfall.

Dolph then hits him with a Famouser on the outside. He goes for a Diving Famouser to the outside but Rollins catches him and delivers a Buckle Bomb into the ring post. Seth then hits a Frog Splash for a nearfall. Seth then goes for the Superplex/Falcon Arrow combination but Ziggler counters the Falcon Arrow by pushing Seth into the ropes.

Dolph goes for the Superkick but Seth counters it into a Buckle Bomb. However, Dolph rebounds off of the turnbuckle and hits a superkick for a nearfall. Dolph goes for the Stomp but Rollins moves out of the way and goes for a Stomp of his own.

Ziggler moves out of the way and hits a Zig Zag for a nearfall. Ziggler goes for another Zig Zag but Rollins holds onto the ropes. Rollins then hits the Stomp to move on to the semifinals.

Rey Mysterio vs The Miz

Rey Mysterio & The Miz have faced off in the past
Rey Mysterio & The Miz have faced off in the past

Rey Mysterio and The Miz both have wins against each other. They will have the opportunity to prove who is the best between them.

Rey Mysterio immediately takes out the Miz with kicks to the hamstring. He then goes for a Springboard Seated Senton but Miz catches him with a Sit-Out Slingshot Powerbomb for a nearfall. He then starts to work on the knee of Rey Mysterio.

He goes for the Figure Four Lock but Rey Mysterio kicks him off and The Miz goes shoulder first into the ring post. Rey Mysterio then hits the Wheelbarrow Bulldog for a nearfall. He then takes out The Miz with a baseball slide followed by a hurricanrana off of the apron.

Rey Mysterio goes for the 619 but The Miz catches the legs of Mysterio and hits him with a big DDT for a nearfall. The Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Rey counters it into a roll up for a nearfall. Rey goes for a Hurricanrana but The Miz counters it into a Figure Four Leglock.

Rey Mysterio barely manages to make it to the bottom rope before hitting an amazing Tilt-a-Whirl Satellite DDT for a nearfall. He goes for another Wheelbarrow Bulldog but the Miz counters it into a Skull Crushing Finale for a nearfall.

The Miz goes for an Avalanche Skull Crushing Finale but Mysterio counters it into a Super Frankensteiner. Rey Mysterio then htis the 619 and hits the Springboard Frog Splash to get the win.

John Cena vs Kurt Angle

John Cena had his first match in WWE against Kurt Angle
John Cena had his first match in WWE against Kurt Angle

This old rivalry should definitely be rekindled at the WWE World Cup. This way, only one part timer will make it past the 1st round.

John Cena takes Kurt Angle out with a dropkick to start the match. John Cena then goes for a diving tornado DDT but Kurt Angle catches him and delivers a suplex for a nearfall. Kurt Angle then starts to work on the leg of John Cena. Cena then catches him with a Fisherman's Suplex and begins to make his comeback.

He goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Kurt Angle counters it into a sunset flip which he turns into an Ankle Lock. John Cena quickly makes his way to the bottom rope. He then takes Kurt Angle out with a Code Red for a nearfall. John Cena then goes for a Diving Famouser but Angle catches him with a Powerbomb for a nearfall.

Kurt Angle then hits John Cena with a Belly to Belly suplex outside the ring. He brings him back in the ring and hits a belly to belly suplex. Kurt Angle then hits the Moonsault but John Cena somehow manages to roll through and hits the Attitude Adjustment for a nearfall.

John Cena then goes for the Lightning Fist but Kurt Angle hits a drop toe hold and locks in the Ankle Lock. John Cena then turns it into an STF but Kurt Angle turns that into an STF of his own. John Cena then transfers that into an Ankle Lock but Kurt Angle then transfers it into an Ankle Lock of his own and sits down on it.

John Cena tries to counter it into a deadlift German suplex but Kurt Angle counters it into a German suplex, holds on, and then hits two more before letting go for a nearfall. Kurt Angle then hits the Angle Slam for a nearfall.

John Cena then goes for the Avalanche Attitude Adjustment but Kurt Angle counters it and hits an Avalanche Angle Slam for the nearfall.

Semifinal Matches:

Kurt Angle vs Seth Rollins

Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio

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