Five People That Will Be Negatively Affected By The Asuka Versus James Ellsworth Storyline


How low can you go!

That has to be the question that The WWE Universe is asking themselves after watching James Ellsworth go one on one with Asuka on Smackdown Live. Not only was the segment a waste of time for everyone involved, it also didn't come across as very entertaining and seemed to reek of writers that are devoid of inspiration.

With that being said and the fall out that will undoubtedly follow when this is all said and done, here are five people that will be negatively affected by the Asuka versus Carmella feud. As always, let us know what your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us if you think the feud should continue or not.

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#5 The WWE Universe

WWE Universe, WWE,
Does The WWE Universe deserve better than this?

Let's be honest here.

Every minute that The WWE Universe is forced to sit through this nonsense is another example of just how badly these superstars were being wasted. In fact, WWE is doing their fans a disservice by scripting something so laughably awful during a period that is supposed to be a high point for women's wrestling.

More on that later, but continuing down this road will have three major consequences for WWE. The first consequence is that fans are going to be less likely to take The Smackdown Live Women's division seriously, which is not good for future plans with the belt. Beyond on that, WWE runs the risk of losing viewership from all this.

Finally, there's Smackdown Live, which is supposed to be trying to shake the moniker of The B Show and still airing nonsense like this in the process. In the end, it is not a good sign for the future of The Women's division if one of their most dominant superstars is made out to look like a complete joke!

#4 Smackdown Live

Smackdown Live, WWE,
no secret that this feud isn't going to turn Smackdown Live into The A show.

WWE has been trying to build up Smackdown Live as a viable alternative to Raw for a while now, but fails time and time again to actually do it. Unfortunately for The WWE, they are quickly losing ground to Raw due to storylines like this and will probably continue to do so until they go back to the drawing board.

In the meantime, however, WWE is going to have to deal with sagging ratings, which could end this storyline quicker than expected. Then again, WWE brought James Ellsworth back for a reason and Asuka will, unfortunately, be the first of many experiments in inter-gender wrestling on the blue brand.

In the end, it would probably work better if WWE did some intergender tag team matches, which would allow the company to tell two stories at the same time. It also would cover up the problem of a guy superstar not really being allowed to fight back against women, which is probably what the problem is with Ellsworth versus Asuka

#3 Carmella.

WWE, Carmella,
Is this the most memorable part of Carmella's run as Smackdown Live Women's champion?

It's no secret that Carmella was never going to set the world on fire as Smackdown Live Women's Champion, but deserves a lot better then what she is doing right now. While heel championship reigns are usually plagued by ridiculousness like this to help draw heat, it runs the real risk of hurting Carmella in the meantime.

Not only was this feud already dead on arrival when Asuka lost relatively clean to Carmella at Money in The Bank, it was also taking away the focus from what should have been a relatively refreshing championship reign. Again, probably wasn't going to set the world on fire, but she was capable of playing a heel relatively well.

In the end, it's sad to see time being wasted on this, but its even more sad to see Carmella's reign plagued by this nonsense. She deserved so much better than this and the longer it goes on, the worse it's going to be for Carmella's chances to be the blue brand's top woman. Its also going to diminish her star power, which could leave her in freefall when it is done.

#2 Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch, WWE,
Will Becky Lynch be dragged into this?

Its been rumored that WWE has wanted to do James Ellsworth versus Becky Lynch for a while now and it seems like WWE is finally going to execute that plan. While all that sounds a little presumptuous, the return of James Ellsworth on Smackdown Live and Becky Lynch's current winning streak is a strong indication that Ellsworth versus Lynch is the goal.

With that being said and the fact that Becky Lynch deserves a lot better than something like this, it should go without saying that this is going to bring her down. Sure, maybe she'll come out on top of it and defeat Ellsworth, but what does that really achieve for Lynch? Furthermore, doesn't it cheapen herself in the process of it all?

In the end, it is obvious that WWE wants the payoff to be watching Ellsworth finally get his scrawny ass kicked by a female superstar and Asuka is only a stepping stone to getting there. Unfortunately for Becky Lynch, she is rumored to be the next victim of this storyline disaster and hopefully the end of it as well.

#1 Asuka

Asuka, WWE,
Why is Asuka even
in this mess of a storyline?

What a long strange trip its been for Asuka on Smackdown Live and while one would think that WWE would have utilized her more, they have continued not to do so. In fact, WWE had Asuka lose clean to Carmella after a small interference by James Ellsworth. As if that wasn't bad enough, she has also not one a match since coming to the blue brand.

Her losing streak starting at WrestleMania 34, where Asuka lost to Charlotte Flair in one of the best matches of the night. She would then return a week after WrestleMania and team up with Naomi in a losing effort on Smackdown Live. With that being said, and her loss to Carmella at Money in The Bank in mind, it seems like WWE doesn't care about Asuka.

Otherwise, why would WWE be working so hard to ruin Asuka as a main roster superstar? Furthermore, why would she have lost clean in a match against Carmella only two months after her loss at WrestleMania 34. Lastly, why would WWE want to hurt the women's revolution in the process?

In the end, Asuka may not be the best star that the company has to offer right now in the Women's division, but she definitely deserves better then what she is being handed right now. Its one thing to end the streak and then have her take a clean loss in order to establish Carmella as legitimate, but it's another thing to put Asuka in matches with James Ellsworth.

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