From the WWE Rumor Mill: Could "Fashion Peaks" Lead To a Push For the Fashion Police?

These well-dressed detectives may be on to something!
These well-dressed detectives may be on to something!

What's the story?

While the singles runs of both Tyler Breeze and Fandango have been less than stellar since arriving on the main WWE roster, their teaming together as Breezango - aka The Fashion Police - has been causing quite the buzz.

Ever since the office has let the duo do their own thing with their TV buddy-cop satire sketches, the fans have responded positively. In fact, their latest sketches, "Fashion Peaks" (a spook on Twin Peaks, in case you needed it), has been trending so well that we could see a push for the well-dressed detectives, according to Cageside Seats

In case you didn't know...

While Fandango (who won the second season of reality show-era NXT in 2011) had struggled to find his footing on the main roster since his "debut" match win over Chris Jericho at WrestleMania XXIX.

Tyler Breeze had also been successful in NXT before getting called up to the main roster in 2015. Coincidentally, both wrestlers were paired with Summer Rae early in their main roster careers.

However, they had both been floundering in the lower-mid card since their debuts.before joining as a team to feud against The Golden Truth.

The heart of the matter

Eventually, the team would take their gimmick of "fashion police" seriously and began coming to the ring in police uniforms (albeit the stereotypical police uniforms worn by male strippers).

After getting attacked backstage, they began a serious of parodies in which they would spoof numerous TV police shows in order to find the culprits. It went over well - so much that, according to Cage Side Seats, word is that the team is in line for a major push on Smackdown Live in the coming weeks.

What's next?

With the latest "Fashion Peaks" going over so well, one could expect more backstage segments of their like coming soon, and maybe even a tag title shots in the near future - if not title runs.

Author's take

Somebody working with tag teams behind the scenes at WWE learned a good lesson with The New Day - that if you give a good team with great chemistry something to work with and then run with it, they can get gold without trying too hard. Let's hope that Breezango can take this baton and run with it.

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