How To Make Friends And Turn John Cena Heel

Some of ya’ll hate him, and some of ya’ll hate him

The Kids aren’t all right

Cena won’t be the next generation of kids’ choice!

Kids are always the go-to defense for John always being a good guy. Sure, he acts like an entitled jerk, reverses hit-point damage in an instant, has a limited move set, and he’s basically the only wrestler WWE tells us that matters. BUT HE DOES IT FOR THE KIDS.

Well what about us 50 something nerds that still live with our parents and can sometimes borrow the car on the weekends if mom’s not going to the Vineyard with Aunt Linda? Huh? What about us?

But yeah, have him turn his back on the WWE Lil’ Universe. Just constantly bully them until the kids hate him and he kinda scares them, taking a few pages from Gene Snitsky.

He says stuff like “I bet you can’t even spell, you’re a stupidhead” and “Birthday presents are for babies that poop on themselves” and “I’m taller than you.” He can start only starring in R-rated movies, or return to The Marine franchise, nobody likes that crap, right?

He absolutely refuses to wear Connor’s Cure merch (yeesh, that’s dark). Then the parents will hate him and then they don’t buy his merch for their kids. The kids are fine with that so now Vince hates him because he’s not making as much money. So now EVERYBODY hates him and you’ve got yourself a real live heel.

And if that doesn’t push him fully into the darkness? That’s OK, after he cancels all future Make-A-Wish visits, he’s done-zo.

One of Samoa Joe's colleagues had harsh words for him HERE

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