Impact Wrestling Rumor Mill: Impact may start a partnership with ROH

Chris Jericho

What's the story?

As per the rumor roundup on, it is being speculated that Impact Wrestling vs. Ring of Honor angles will be taking place after the Jericho Cruise, and possibly start there.

In case you didn't know...

Chris Jericho will be hosting a one of a kind wrestling and rock event on a cruise ship come October. A lot of big names including Ring Of Honor onboarded the event and recently VP of Impact Wrestling- Don Callis also stated that Impact Wrestling will be a part of this grand event.

The heart of the matter

On the latest episode of Killing The Town podcast, Don Callis was the guest and talked about Impact Wrestling accepting Chris Jericho's invitation to join his cruise in October and possibly challenging ROH.

Although ROH and Impact are not officially in any partnership as of now, the current Impact Wrestling Champion- Austin Aries makes regular appearances for ROH and was seen competing against TV Champion Silus Young on a recent edition of ROH TV. So, it is not unlikely that the two promotions may join hands for a partnership in the form of Impact vs ROH programs.

Here is an excerpt of Don Callis' interview: (H/T:

"I've never really talked to Chris about it because I haven't had time the last few months but it's like, 'yeah, why isn't IMPACT Wrestling on there?'. Forget my nearly 30 year friendship with Jericho, you've got Ring Of Honor and no one else and we know that sometimes those guys like to do things on their own and I'm sure there's a reason for that but that's not IMPACT's kinda thing so I was like, 'yeah that is interesting'

What's next?

Jericho's Rock 'N' Wrestling Rager At Sea will be taking place from the 27th of October 2018 to the 31st of October 2018.

What are the ROH vs Impact feuds and matches you would like to see? Sound off below!

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