Chris Jericho reveals one big difference between AEW and WWE

Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho signed with AEW in 2019, going on to become the promotion's first world champion. Jericho has often spoken about how much he enjoys working in AEW and how much more creative freedom he gets now compared to WWE. In a recent episode of Talk is Jericho, Le Champion gave fans an insight into another major difference between working for AEW and WWE:

Right off the bat, not to get into the specifics, but things that I have here in AEW I never had in WWE for 20 years. Even something as simple as paying your expenses on the road, like any team does. If the Jaguars go to play a game in St. Louis, the hotel is paid for and ‘Here’s the trip,’ and ‘Here’s the team bus to pick you up and drive you around.’ That’s just the way it is. It’s not even a second thought, right? That’s how it is here in AEW as well, which it’s never like that in WWE.
They still go with, ‘Here’s your plane ticket. You’re flying to Detroit. You’re working Detroit, Chicago, Cape Girardeau and St. Louis.’ So you rent your car in Detroit, you drop it off in St. Louis. You got to find your hotel rooms, you got to get a car that’s got a good rate for the drop-off. All this stuff. And those are your expenses and your responsibility to do that. And that’s another thing that I think people are just like, ‘Alright, are you kidding me? You really have to do that?’ So that’s the biggest difference H/T: 411Mania.

Chris Jericho is set to face MJF at AEW Full Gear

MJF has made his intention clear. He wants to join The Inner Circle. Following Le Dinner Debonaire, The Inner Circle and MJF had a town hall last week on AEW Dynamite. Chris Jericho informed MJF that if he managed to beat him at AEW Full Gear this weekend, MJF would be allowed to join the faction.

Sammy Guevara and Ortiz were vocally against MJF joining The Inner Circle and will take on MJF and Wardlow this Wednesday on Dynamite.

You can listen to Talk Is Jericho HERE.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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