"I do not like to be humble" - Ric Flair explains why he hated being a babyface

Ric flair was a member of heel group, Evolution
Ric flair was a member of heel group, Evolution

On the latest episode of the Wooooo Nation podcast, former Evolution member Ric Flair said that he absolutely hated being a babyface in pro-wrestling.

Ric Flair spent most of his time during his WWE career as a heel. Even in the latter stages of his career, he played a significant role in the notorious heel stable Evolution. The stable consisted of Triple H, Batista, and Randy Orton. While the above-mentioned three were contesting for titles and in main events, Ric Flair used to play the role of helping them get victories through distraction and interference. Flair even held the tag titles with Batista during their stint together at Evolution.

Ric Flair stated that he was terrible at being humble and pretending to be something he isn't. According to The Nature Boy, he was better off being genuine and being a more arrogant character was something which came naturally to him.

''Because I do not want to be humble. I am terrible going out 'I hope I can do this I hope I can do that', I would rather say I am this and I am that. All the stuff that came so naturally to me, the arrogance and the way that I live my life, it is very hard to do that and still come across someone very humble,'' stated Flair


Ric Flair names Stone Cold Steve Austin as the only guy who could do whatever he wanted and at the same time get love from the fans

Ric Flair said that he did not like being humble and always enjoyed working more as a heel. In the WWE, usually a heel is hated by fans but The Nature Boy pointed out that one superstar who could do both was none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin.

According to the 16-time World Champion, Stone Cold could do whatever he liked and still garner love from fans. He believes that Steve Austin never had to change anything in order to receive cheers from the crowd. Ric Flair pointed out the phenomenal rivalry between Stone Cold and Vince McMahon to describe Austin's dominance in the minds of the fans.

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