Opinion: Should Matt Hardy have become the WWE Champion?

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Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy is the perfect example of someone who has always been there but never peaked; especially with the WWE.

Hardy has had more than 45 reigns with different titles and promotions over his 20-year long career, but the one thing he has not been able to call himself is the WWE World Champion.

Even though WWE is the land of uncertainty, it is safe to assume that the ship for Matt winning the WWE Championship has sailed now and it will be highly unlikely that Matt Hardy will retire as a former WWE Champion.

But the question arises, is that fair to Matt Hardy?

Matt Hardy started his career as early as 1994 and found himself a part of WWE by 1998 along with his younger brother Jeff Hardy. The duo exceeded all expectation and went on to become legends in the world of tag team wrestling. However, after a split in 2002, while Jeff went on to achieve massive success, his elder brother did not have the same fate.

A former 4-time WWE Champion, Jeff Hardy become one of the most beloved superstars of all time and even though he credits Matt Hardy for everything he knows, Matt remained a footnote in the mid-card of the WWE.

Written off by fans and critics, Matt Hardy made a major splash in the world of pro-wrestling when he debuted the "Broken" Matt character on TNA/Impact in 2016. While many mocked his effort, the gimmick slowly but steadily caught fire and in many ways revolutionalized pro-wrestling.


With an eccentric character, Hardy managed to capture the fancy of many and was lauded by many, including the likes of Chris Jericho and Stone Cold for being able to re-invent himself in the manner that he did.

When the Hardy Boyz made their way back to WWE at Wrestlemania 33, the WWE Universe was abuzz and were waiting for Matt Hardy to recreate the magic he id in TNA. However, due to copyright problems the arrival of "Broken" Matt was delayed and when it did arrive, it was too little too late.

Rebranding him as Woken Matt Hardy, WWE failed to capitalize on Matt's unique character and let it fizzle away. Now, paired up with Bray Wyatt, Matt Hardy continues to portray the watered down version of his Broken character with no signs of a singles career ahead.

Do you think Matt Hardy deserves a shot at the WWE Championship? comment below!

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