WrestleMania 34: 6 OMG Moments from the Grand Spectacle

The moments that bring out such reactions from the fans.
The moments that bring out such reactions from the fans

WrestleMania 34 is in the history books now, and Boy! What a roller coaster show it was.

A seven-hour long show featuring all of WWE's top superstars in a total of 14 matches, WrestleMania was a show that will be remembered for a long, long time for various good and bad reasons.

Beginning the main card with a match that will go down as one of the best opening contest in the history of 'Mania, the show ended on a sour note with the main event disappointing in every aspect.

However, as has been the case of all the 'Manias in recent history, the show was not devoid of memorable moments that will stay in the memories of the fans.

Living up to its tag of being the Biggest Wrestling Show of the year, WrestleMania 34 delivered a moment that literally left the fans in a state of shock and had them screaming, as legendary commentator Joey Styles would say, OH MY GOD.

Here are the 6 jaw-dropping moments from the 34th edition of the Super Bowl of Wrestling - WrestleMania.

#6 Charlotte goes Spanish


High Flying moves are not that uncommon in WWE anymore, with even big guys like Kevin Owens taking the aerial route during their matches.

However, there are still some moves which are rarely seen on WWE programming due to the difficulty and risk involved in executing them, and Spanish Fly is definitely one of those moves.

Mustafa Ali performing that move on the pre-show might have looked impressive, but it was one bettered by The Queen herself during her match against Asuka.

With both superstars standing on the second rope, it seemed like Charlotte would either hit a superplex or a hurricanrana.

However, Charlotte shocked everyone by climbing to the top rope and executed a near perfect Spanish Fly on Asuka to a thunderous reaction from the crowd.

Even though Charlotte stumbled during its execution, the fact that a move so rare was executed by a female wrestler, that also at the grandest stage, was enough to generate praise from the critics.

#5 The Entrance for the ages

Certainly a Rock Star type entrance.
Certainly a Rock Star type entrance

Everyone knew beforehand that WWE was gonna give a WrestleMania style entrance to Shinsuke Nakamura.

After all, he is easily the most charismatic superstar on the roster and has an entrance song that can get even the dullest person riled up in a few moments.

Whenever Lee England Jr. performed during his entrance, it was well received all over the world and everyone was expecting a similar entrance at 'Mania as well.

However, what we got was an entrance that will be remembered for ages to come.

Just as the lights went out, the spotlight came right on the ramp. With a guitar in her hand, guitarist Nita Strauss began playing the opening sequence on Nakamura's theme song.

As the lights came back, a plethora of violinists and drummers joined her in welcoming WWE's rock star on the entrance stage to a raucous ovation from the fans.

We have seen several other bands bringing WWE superstars in the past, but none of them was as spectacular as what we witnessed in New Orleans.

#4 Undertaker squashes Cena

Are we in for a second showdown down the line?
Are we in for a second showdown down the line?

John Cena's obsession with the Undertaker was one of the most interesting angles leading to WrestleMania.

Here was a man, a 16-time World Champion, pleading to get a match from a man who seemingly retired 12 months ago.

So bad was Cena's obsession with the Deadman that, since he didn't get any reply from him leading to 'Mania, he decided to attend The Grandest Stage Of Them All as a fan.

Although everyone knew that a clash between the two at 'Mania, no one was expecting to see or witness that actually transpired.

After being told something by a referee, Cena rushed to the backstage area and came out a match later wearing his ring gear.

As he was getting ready for The Undertaker, Elias interrupted with a guitar. Cena dispatched Elias easily, but, as he was making his way back, the gong struck and the Deadman made his way to the ring.

With Cena visibly shaken by his presence, Undertaker hit all his moves and finished the Cenation leader with a Tombstone Piledriver in just two minutes and 46 seconds.

The fans in New Orleans exploded in a state of frenzy at such a shocking defeat for the most decorated performer in WWE history.

#3 Inter-Gender Face-Offs

Man, This woman is a Bad A**
She is truly the Baddest Woman On The Planet

Has there ever been a more perfect and impact ful in-ring debut in the history of WWE?

Ronda Rousey came to WrestleMania 34 with just one motive, to make Stephanie McMahon submit, and she did that in perfect style by nearly breaking her arm after over 20 minutes of thrilling storytelling.

Kurt Angle finally got his long due revenge on Triple H by beating him in the middle of the ring, and the crowd were on their feet for the time when Rousey was beating the Raw commissioner to pulp.

WWE, however, went all in on the match and gave the fans a few stunning sequences of rare inter-gender face-offs.

It all began with Rousey challenging HHH to a one-on-one duel in the middle of the ring, and she surprisingly came on top after launching a sequence of strikes on HHH.

A few minutes later, it was their partners taking their spots as Angle locked Stephanie in the Ankle Lock after receiving a huge cheer from the crowd.

Saving the best for the last, Rousey knocked down HHH and locked him in an armbar to the biggest crowd reaction of the evening.

#2 New Orleans engulfs another streak

914 days, but no longer counting.
914 days, but no longer counting

Wrestling world went into a period of paralysis when Brock Lesnar pinned the Undertaker at WrestleMania 30 at New Orleans.

The streak had become so perfect and reverend by that point that it was just impossible to imagine someone breaking the streak.

This time out as well, there was a streak coming into WrestleMania 34, and while it was not yet at the level of the Undertaker's streak, it was still a very big deal - both for WWE and for the fans. Well, not for the WWE it seems now.

Charlotte and Asuka were wrestling a slobber knocker at New Orleans, but, despite Charlotte's efforts and his impressive past records, no one was giving her a chance of walking out of 'Mania as the champion.

Everyone was projecting a clash between Asuka and Rousey at WrestleMania 35, and just right then WWE swerved the fans with a decision that will be remembered for ages.

With Charlotte locking in the Figure-8, Asuka tapped out after a long struggle and finally lost a match after 914 days. Jaws were dropped in Superdome as New Orleans engulfed another prestigious streak.

#1 Nakamura creates Chaos

The True WrestleMania moment.
A True WrestleMania moment

Before talking about the moment that shocked the world, let me get one thing off my chest - Nakamura vs Styles at WrestleMania was a fantastic match that fell victim to high expectations.

Yes, it was underwhelming compared to their clash at the Wrestle Kingdom, but it was still one of the better World Title matches in 'Mania history.

The finish of the match might have surprised the fans all over the world, as Nakamura was the overwhelming favourite to win the title, but it was what happened after the match that stunned everyone.

After Styles helped Nakamura to get on his feet, the two respected superstars embraced to a standing ovation from the fans.

After Nakamura requested the title from the referee, he got down on his knees and handed Styles the title in a show of respect.

Right when it seemed Nakamura has accepted his defeat, he went down and hit The Phenomenal One with a low-blow, embracing his negative side for the first time in the WWE.

With the fans in Superdome still trying to digest what just happened, Nakamura unleashed a series of kicks to Styles before finishing off with a Kinshasa.

A night that was supposed to be Nakamura's pinnacle ended with the Artist potrayed as the biggest heel in the company.

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