WWE 205 Live Results (August 27th, 2019): Tony Nese offers an ominous message, Drew Gulak's Clash of Champions challenger determined

Much like Drew Gulak a few months back, Tony Nese teased a serious change
Much like Drew Gulak a few months back, Tony Nese teased a serious change

Following the Captain's Challenge match last week, Drake Maverick met with Humberto Carrillo and Oney Lorcan in his office. Both men survived the ten-man tag team elimination match, essentially giving them both a win over the Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak.

In order to determine Gulak's next challenger, Maverick decided to pit Carrillo and Lorcan against each other in tonight's main event. The winner will face the former Catch Point member at Clash of Champions for the Cruiserweight Championship.

We kicked off tonight with a one-on-one match. Ariya Daivari, at the moment, is a suspect in the attack that left Gran Metalik laid out a few weeks ago. Though Metalik has recovered, he doesn't remember who attacked him. However, Kalisto believes Daivari was responsible, and challenged the Persian Lion to a match.

Daivari has definitely been trying to drive a wedge between the Lucha House Party, telling Lince Dorado that the rest of Lucha House Party is dead weight to him. Is it possible that his words actually connected with Dorado? Was the Golden Lynx the one to attack Metalik? Tonight, Kalisto hoped to beat some kind of confession out of Ariya Daivari.

Kalisto vs Ariya Daivari

Daivari easily overpowered Kalisto early on, driving him into the mat and leaping onto the top rope in a relaxed pose, taunting the former Cruiserweight Champion. Kalisto managed to trap him in a side headlock, and when he was shot off into the ropes, countered with a roll-up. Daivari kicked out only to be met with a leaping shoulder tackle, then set up on the ropes to taunt Daivari.

Kalisto followed up, sending Daivari outside and diving onto him with a suicide dive. Daivari was set up against the barricade where he was met with a strong high kick. Kalisto rolled him back inside and went up top. Daivari rolled away, but couldn't escape Kalisto, who leapt off and ran into the opposite corner. Daivari sent him onto the apron and took out his legs, dropping Kalisto face first onto the apron.

As he tried to get back inside the ring, Daivari bounced off the ropes for a running dropkick, launching Kalisto back first into the barricade. Kalisto was sent into the steel steps, then inside the ring for a two-count. Daivari brought Kalisto down head first with the spin-out reverse DDT after hanging the luchador up Stun Gun style.

Daivari sent Kalisto into the ropes, catching him bouncing back off with elbow strikes to the liver. A third attempt saw Kalisto counter and respond with a series of kicks. More kicks, chops, and punches (Oh my!) stunned Daivari, but he caught Kalisto with a huge clothesline. Kalisto kicked out.

Kalisto was tied up in a rear chin lock, left on his side in the middle of the mat. He fought back to his feet and dazed Daivari with a jawbreaker, only for the Persian Lion to respond with a Double A spinebuster. Kalisto broke out of another hold, but due to the damage done to Kalisto's back, an elbow to the spine saw him crumble to the mat.

Daivari sent Kalisto into the corner, but Kalisto stopped himself before disaster struck. A series of kicks and chops allowed him to bring Daivari down with a springboard arm drag. The hurricanrana facebuster saw Daivari bounce his nose off the mat. As he slowly rose to his feet, Kalisto attempted the Salida Del Sol. Daivari escaped and rolled to the apron, goading his opponent into the ropes. After being hung up on the ropes, Daivari attempted to drop Kalisto with a suplex on the apron.

Kalisto countered, kicking Daivari away and sending him crashing to the mat with a hurricanrana. As the referee began his count, Kalisto and Daivari struggled to get up. Eventually, Kalisto sent Daivari inside right at the nine-count. The LHP leader went up and connected with the 450 Splash. However, he pulled Daivari's legs too far back when going for the pin, leaving Daivari's legs on the ropes, essentially breaking up his own pinfall.

The second Salida Del Sol attempt was blocked when Daivari yanked at his mask. As Kalisto tried gain control of it, Daivari delivered the Persian Twist Hammerlock Lariat, finally putting the former champion away.

Results: Ariya Daivari defeated Kalisto via pinfall.

Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado rushed the ring to save Kalisto from a beatdown. Dorado stood between Daivari and Metalik, keeping both men at bay. Daivari tried to talk Dorado into breaking away from the Lucha House Party again, but he declined.

Last week, Tony Nese was eliminated from the Captain's Challenge match by Oney Lorcan and his Half-and-Half Suplex. In a backstage interview, Nese said that regardless of what happened last week, he still plans on regaining the Cruiserweight Championship by any means necessary. However, it looks like just being a Premier Athlete isn't doing the trick, so he'll have to change up his strategy, a similar message that we heard from the current Cruiserweight Champion back in May.

The Charming Luchador battled 205 Live's resident Brawler for a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship
The Charming Luchador battled 205 Live's resident Brawler for a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship

The Singh Brothers cut a promo backstage saying that they haven't lived up to their hype. They need to go watch some more Bollywood footage and find some real inspiration, but they'll be back soon and will become the greatest tag team on 205 Live.

Oney Lorcan vs Humberto Carrillo

Lorcan and Carrillo shook hands before starting off this #1 contender's match. Lorcan had the power advantage and tried to trap the handsome high-flyer in the middle of the ring. Carrillo escaped and found his way back to his feet. Lorcan's legs were picked, but he recovered, only to be rolled up via sunset flip. Both men traded pinfall attempts, leading to another stalemate.

Carrillo gained control of a wristlock, keeping Lorcan down on one knee. Lorcan countered, flipping Carrillo and looking for the Half-and-Half early. Carrillo landed on his feet but was met with a knee to the gut, doubling him over. Lorcan launched him into the corner face first, then battered him a bit with fists and elbows before dropping him with a gourdbuster.

A waist lock from Lorcan served to exhaust Carrillo early. He broke out, but a handspring back elbow was countered with a running uppercut from Lorcan. Hanging him up on the ropes gut first, Lorcan brought Carrillo back down to the ground and locked in the waist lock again. He switched to the body scissors and added a sleeper hold to try to finish Carrillo quickly.

Carrillo fought out of the sleeper but was still stuck in the body scissors. He went back into a pinfall, forcing Lorcan to break the hold. Still, another knee to the midsection and a kick to the ribs left Carrillo gasping for air. Carrillo kicked out, and once again was trapped in a waist lock. He made it to his feet and blocked another Half-and-Half attempt. Lorcan pelted his back with an elbow and went for a back suplex. Carrillo flipped backwards, escaping and baiting Lorcan into following him.

A few kicks followed by a snapmare and basement dropkick stunned Lorcan long enough for a rolling handspring moonsault. Lorcan was sent outside where he was met by a tope con hilo. Back inside, a sunset flip was countered and Lorcan bowled Carrillo over thanks to a huge running uppercut. Carrillo pulled himself up in the corner and lifted his legs as Lorcan attempted the running back elbow. A springboard roundhouse kick sent Lorcan to the other side of the ring.

The handspring rolling armdrag brought Lorcan back across the ring, leaving him discombobulated. Carrillo went up for a high angle moonsault, but Lorcan put his boots up, catching him on the jaw. Lorcan rushed in the corner with a pair of running back elbows. The third was blocked as Carrillo sent Lorcan onto the apron. He chased the Star Destroyer, leading to a brawl on the side of the ring.

Both men took their best shots, but Carrillo won the battle with a slap to the face and a top rope dropkick. Another tope con hilo took Lorcan to the ground on the outside. Back in the ring, the Aztec Press was stopped when Lorcan rushed to his feet, catching Carrillo with a running uppercut as he was left in the headstand position.

Somehow, Carrillo avoided another Half-and-Half, leading to Lorcan being stuck in between the top two ropes. A double stomp seemingly was enough to put him away, but Carrillo didn't end it there. A sit-out powerbomb dropped Lorcan square in the middle of the ring. Somehow, the Boston Butcher kicked out.

Back to their feet, Lorcan connected with a series of uppercuts and a kick to the jaw. Carrillo blocked the second one and hit a spinning roundhouse kick. As he went off the ropes, Lorcan struck him with a standing dropkick, sending him out to the announcer's desk. Lorcan came in for a baseball slide, only for Carrillo to duck. It was here, though, where Lorcan finally connected with the Half-and-Half Suplex.

Lorcan opted not to win by count out, breaking the ref's count before diving onto his opponent with a rolling senton. Carrillo was rolled back inside, and met by another rolling senton off the top rope. Somehow, some way, Carrillo found it in him to break out of the pinfall.

Lorcan brought Carrillo to the top rope, hoping to bring him crashing down with a super Half-and-Half Suplex. Carrillo fought him off, sending him to the mat. Lorcan caught him preparing for a dropkick with a running uppercut. Still, Carrillo managed to shake it off and block a superplex, sending Lorcan to the mat again. The Twisting Moonsault finally put him away, sending Carrillo to Clash of Champions.

Results: Humberto Carrillo defeated Oney Lorcan via pinfall.

Following the match, Drew Gulak appeared on the Titantron to congratulate his former student on his success lately. However, he's not the same man that helped Carrillo break in on 205 Live. And, as always, if change is the rule, then Gulak is Law.

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