WWE King of the Ring results: April 28, 2015

Bad News Barrett won the tournament

Jerry “The King” Lawler comes out to the ramp where there is a throne and the traditional King of the Ring robes set up for tonight’s winner. They show a video package highlighting all four of the preliminary matches from Monday Night Raw. Lawler joins Michael Cole and John Layfield as tonight’s commentary team.

Sheamus does a backstage interview with Byron Saxton, proclaiming victory. He calls Neville an “English Elf” and says everyone in his new kingdom will have to kiss his arse.

Neville is interviewed by Renee Young, and talks about his rise from NXT as the NXT Champion, debut on Monday Night Raw and upset victory at Extreme Rules. He’s all about showing Sheamus and the world what a “little fella” can do.

Sheamus vs. Neville

Sheamus makes fun of Neville’s height as the crowd sets in with “you look stupid” chants. Neville with kicks until he’s caught with a big sideslam. After a few minutes Sheamus threw Neville off the apron, crashing him hard into the announce table. He just answers the referee count at nine. Sheamus continues his bullying, yelling things like “little fellas don’t belong in my ring”.

He hits White Noise and looks to put the match away, but Dolph Ziggler comes out and rolls footage of him winning at Extreme Rules. Neville blindsides Sheamus with a kick to the side of the head, followed up with the Red Arrow for the win.

Winner: Neville

Ziggler says at Extreme Rules there was a stipulation for when he won the match and runs into the ring and beats Sheamus down. Sheamus escapes to the ramp but runs back in and a brawl ensues as a group of officials try to separate them.

Bad News Barrett adresses R-Truth from a has been onto a never will be and once he's done with Neville he will be known as The Man No One Remembers.

Saxton is back-stage with R-Truth who starts talking about how to kill spiders.

Semi-Finals: R-Truth vs Bad News Barrett

Truth with a quick roll up. Barrett with a right hand to the solar plexus and Barrett with an irish whip reversal. Truth holds onto the ropes. Barrett with a boot to the face. Barrett has Truth on the apron and pulls him through the ropes hitting him with knee strikes to and the big boot sends Truth to the floor. Barrett runs into a boot and Truth explodes out of the corner hitting a series of clotheslines.

A front suplex to Barrett. Truth misses with the scissors kick. Right hand to Barrett. Barrett misses with a clothesline. Truth trying to clothesline Barrett over the top rope but Barrett pushes him away. Winds Of Change to Truth. Barrett landing a series of kicks to Truth. irish whip and Barrett misses with a splash. Truth hits the lie detector and goes for the pin but Barrett has his foot on the ropes.

Barrett slides to the outside/ Truth goes to pick him up and Barrett with a thumb to the eye. Barrett quickly slides back in hitting Truth with The Bull Hammer for the three count and Barrett advances to the finals.

Winner: Bad News Barret

Dolph Ziggler says he knows he cost Dean Ambrose a chance at the King Of The Ring last night but he just couldn't take it anymore and ever since Sheamus returned he's been bullying people and some can't defend themselves. And what he did is just a taste of what he is going to get when he steps into the ring with Ziggler and Sheamus won't have to worry about kissing Ziggler's arse because he's going to kick Sheamus'

King of the Ring Finals

Neville vs. Bad News Barrett

Barrett takes a breather on the floor as soon as the bell rings, and Neville goes after him but ends up getting taken out. Traditionally heavyweight heel beatdown commences for several minutes. Neville comes back with an armdrag and throws a few forearm shots, but his momentum doesn’t last for long. Barrett goes to the floor again, and the former NXT champ takes him down with a springboard moonsault.

Big missile dropkick connects back in the ring as Neville starts to roll, followed by an impressive German suplex on the much bigger man. He sets up for a corner kick but is caught in the Winds of Change for two. Barrett catches him out of the air and plants him with Wasteland, but Neville kicks out at two-and-a-half. He sets him up for a Bull Hammer but Neville rolls Bad News up for an incredibly close nearfall; the announces call it three, and argue with the referee’s decision.

Neville hits a dropkick and sets up for the Red Arrow, but Barrett connects with the Bull Hammer to win the tournament.

Winner: Bad News Barrett

Jerry Lawler interviews the new King of the Ring on the entrance ramp. Barrett crowns himself and puts on the robe. He says he will rule his subjects with an iron Bull Hammer.