WWE News: Joslyn Jarrett opens up against Karen Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett enrolled himself in a WWE sponsored rehab centre
Jeff Jarrett enrolled himself in a WWE sponsored rehab centre

What's the story?

Former WCW Superstar Jeff Jarrett's daughter recently took to Twitter to speak out subtly against Jeff's current wife, Karen Jarrett.

In case you didn't know...

On October 25th, Jeff Jarrett, who's been struggling with an alcohol problem, proceeded to get help by enrolling himself at a WWE sponsored rehabilitation centre.

Before initially placing him on an indefinite leave of absence, Impact Wrestling announced this past Monday that it had terminated its relationship with Jarrett. Jarrett's erratic behaviour — stemming from his alcohol problem — at this year's AAA Triplemania PPV has been considered as one of the main reasons for his dismissal from the company.


Following his release, Jarrett got into more trouble by turning up drunk at Real Canadian Wrestling's show in Calgary and then insisting on performing in his drunken state. He also missed his second date of booking with RCW, which lead a lot of fans to walk out of the event.

The heart of the matter

Jarrett's daughter Joslyn spoke indirectly against Karen Jarrett by quoting another user's tweet and captioning it with the message "RT".

Josyln previously took to social media to commend her father on joining the rehabilitation centre by posting a picture on Instagram along with a long and heartfelt message.

What's next?

Soon after Joslyn's tweet, Kyra Angle — Karen Jarrett's daughter with Kurt Angle — tweeted a host of messages directed towards Joslyn with the notable one being down below:

We don't have any other news regarding Jeff and his rehabilitation process at the moment. However, we would advise you to keep checking our website for further updates.

Author's take

It's very disheartening to see Jeff suffer so much due to his problems with alcohol. We hope that he recovers swiftly and gets back in the squared circle as soon as possible.

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