WWE: Part-timers calling the shots in WWE

The Rock

In the past couple of years, the WWE Universe witnessed the “return” of certain superstars which has been the talk of the town ever since. The return of a superstar usually brings nostalgia, as the fans get to witness something they loved over a decade ago.

Who wouldn’t love to go back in time and cheer on those who were the reason for you falling in love with the business in the first place? In recent years, WWE has brought back some superstars, whether it is only for one night or for a storyline/PPV, and the fans have always received it positively.

But for the past few years, there has been a trend in the WWE, a trend that the superstars don’t like, and the fans shouldn’t support. After all, nothing stays the same, and you either evolve with time or you don’t.

And yet no matter how many times I prove it, I’m not on your lovely little collector cups. I’m not on the cover of the program. I’m barely promoted. I don’t get to be in movies. This isn’t sour grapes. But the fact that Dwayne is in the main event at WrestleMania next year and I’m not makes me sick!” – CM Punk

Two years ago, CM Punk delivered a worked shoot that shook the wrestling industry to its very foundation. The impact of the promo came from the reality behind it, from the opinions of people to what some people felt was not right. CM Punk said something during his promo that echoed some fans’ perspectives about a certain individual, who walked into the WWE claiming it to be ‘home’, being there till WrestleMania, and then walking away for the remainder of the year.

Many superstars have expressed their displeasure about Dwayne Johnson, aka ‘The Rock’ coming back and headlining the major PPVs, when it was the others who travel on the road 320 days a year, taking bumps and risks. As CM Punk aired his frustrations, it became evident that WWE was going down a wrong path. But did they correct their mistakes?


Rock not only main evented two WrestleManias, but after last year, he came back and said he’d get a title shot at the Royal Rumble against the WWE champion. Normally, that has never happened in the WWE. You don’t see a part timer coming back and challenging the WWE champion, much less for the WWE title.

Vince and the WWE tried to take advantage of Rock’s fame as a movie star and put the WWE title on him. What was the result? He showed up only for 2 weeks from Royal Rumble to WrestleMania on RAW and wasn’t able to take the WWE title to talk shows, or to promote WWE.

In what turned out to be a colossal mistake on WWE’s part, WWE had to go for 6 weeks without their champion on RAW. (And we pick on TNA for putting the title on Jeff Hardy?)

While I was a fan of Dwayne a decade ago, the legacy of the business is far greater than an individual, whether it is Dwayne or Austin or even The Undertaker. But that wasn’t the end of WWE’s dependence on part timers. When Summer of Punk rolled out, people were expecting great things, but all of that crumbled down.

Triple H

Why? Because WWE went ahead with Nash and Triple H making the storyline about themselves rather than CM Punk. The fact that Triple H defeated CM Punk right after his amazing promo and his match at the Money in the Bank PPV proves just how clueless WWE can be.

When you have a hot streak going on, you don’t go ahead and burn it to the ground, but that’s exactly what WWE did. Was Punk able to gain his momentum back after that? No. And the fact that the same old Triple H – McMahon saga is continuing 13 years after it initially started proves just how over dependent WWE is on part timers.


The third such instance isn’t as big as the first two, but bringing Brock Lesnar was seen as a way to put the other talent over. He lost his very first match in the WWE after looking like a monster, so that didn’t bother anyone. But when you have the most dominant and legitimate athlete in the WWE crying and whining near a 40 year old, semi retired performer, that’s when you know something isn’t right.

People thought the Lesnar-Triple H storyline was stretched out and boring, and that was only because of the lack of understanding and direction on the part of the creative. And now with RVD returning, the disgruntled voices will only grow louder in the locker room. Have Lesnar and RVD’s returns caused frustrations among the young performers?

Not as much as Rock’s or Triple H’s intrusion in the storylines, but the fact that a Tyson Kidd, who is the most athletic and talented performer in the WWE is reduced to jobbing on Superstars (before getting injured) while RVD, who at this point has only the name value going on for himself is making a high profile return proves how WWE needs to invest in their own talent, rather than trying to play the nostalgia card every now and again.

When WCW tried the same, they failed miserably and ended up going bankrupt. Although WWE doesn’t have to worry about that for years to come, they are on the verge of losing their fanbase, which can be anything but good.


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