XDefiant update procedure for PS5 players (Image via Ubisoft)

How to update XDefiant on PS5

XDefiant is a new shooter game being created by Ubisoft that is currently in closed beta. The title has presented players with distinctive gameplay featuring fast-paced action, where teamwork and gun fighting abilities are most important for winning battles. As the game is in the closed beta phase, fans across all platforms are facing various issues.


The servers were recently taken offline for maintenance, and they were down for one to two hours for PC gamers. However, for PlayStation 5 players, they were offline for about 15 hours. The title's servers are now operational, and a patch is available that improves the game's connectivity. The section that follows will show gamers how to check for the patch and update this game on their PS5.

Update procedure for XDefiant on PS5


The developers have released a fix for all PlayStation users who are experiencing severe connectivity issues in the beta version. According to the creators, the patch will resolve the majority of connectivity difficulties for PS gamers.

XDefiant Update 1.000.002 Now Available.

- Update Size : 304 MB

🟩 #XDefiant

The XDefiant update version is 1.000.002, and it is 304 MB in size. To effectively patch the game, players must follow a few procedures.

1) First of all, you need to turn on their PS5.

2) The next step is to navigate to the Home screen, head to the top of the main menu, and select the Games tab.

3) In the game tab, you need to navigate to XDefiant and press the Option key on your controller. Various options will pop up on the drop-down menu.


4) Choose Check for Update. Once you do that, patch 1.000.002 will show up.

5) Download it.

After downloading and installing the patch, gamers should be able to play the game successfully with no connectivity issues.

XDefiant patch fixes connectivity issues on the PlayStation 5

From the start, XDefiant servers had various issues, the most serious of which was a connection problem that prevented players from finding matches. Even after joining the game, latency issues weren't uncommon, and players were getting removed from ongoing matches.

We have deployed a patch to PlayStation 5 that should help with *most* connection issues. PlayStation 5 players can play now!

We are still working to patch Xbox Series X|S as soon as we can. Xbox servers will still be disabled and will show a VICTOR error message.


Thankfully, the developers acted swiftly and provided a patch to address these concerns. The aforementioned update is intended for PlayStation users. An official tweet further mentioned that the creators were working on a patch for Xbox users. However, in the meantime, the Xbox server will be disabled, and players need not worry if a VICTOR error message pops up.

We are still actively working on issues that are impacting progression. We will update on this topic when we have more information!

Thank you again for the patience and understanding as we work on these issues!

Other issues with the game include the progression system, which is not working for many players; no matter how much time they spend playing, their profiles and weapons do not level up. The developers addressed this problem by making another tweet to say that they were actively working to fix it.

The XDefiant closed beta is live and will be available until April 23, 2023.

Edited by
Soumyadyuti Ghosh
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