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  • 5 funny sci-fi comedy shows for fans of Amazon Prime’s Upload
5 funny sci-fi comedies that fans of Upload will enjoy (Image via IMDb)

5 funny sci-fi comedy shows for fans of Amazon Prime’s Upload

The sci-fi comedy show Upload on Amazon Prime has amassed a sizeable fan following due to its intriguing premise and witty writing. Starring Robbie Amell in the lead, the show first aired back in 2020.

The story of Upload is set in a time when humans are able to choose their virtual afterlife. Nathan Brown, a computer programmer, finds himself in a luxurious virtual heaven after he dies prematurely. But he soon realizes that his death was not accidental.


After two exciting seasons, the show is back for season 3, which will premiere on Amazon Prime on October 20, 2023. The last that viewers saw Nathan, he had been brought back to life, but as the procedure was experimental, it could cost him his life. Things get further complicated when a new Horizen hire finds that Nathan is missing from Lakeview and restores a backup copy.

Fans will soon get to see what the two Nathans get up to in the upcoming season, which will have eight episodes in total. As there is still time before fans can stream new episodes of Upload, they can instead indulge in similar sci-fi comedy shows that boast witty dialogues and addictive plots.


Misfits, The Orville, and 3 other sci-fi comedy shows that are as interesting as they are funny


1) Misfits (2009)

Misfits is perfect for cinephiles fascinated with characters who have superhuman abilities. The story of this sci-fi comedy show is focused on a group of five juvenile offenders. They end up working together for the same community service program, but they don't really see eye to eye because of their diverse personalities. However, things change when they develop powers after experiencing a strange storm.

The cast includes a few familiar faces that viewers will recognize, such as Iwan Rheon, who plays Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones, and Robert Sheehan, who was cast as Klaus Hargreeves in the popular Netflix series The Umbrella Academy. The show, especially season 1, is able to toe the line between dark and funny, all the while ensuring that the narrative never takes a hit.


2) Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016)


Combining sleuthing, sci-fi, and comedy, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency stars Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood in the lead. Lord of the Rings fans are well acquainted with Wood, who played Frodo Baggins in the movie franchise. In this show, he plays the role of Todd, who reluctantly agrees to become a sidekick to Dirk Gently (Barnett), who claims to be a "holistic detective."

There is no doubt that the narrative of this sci-fi comedy show borders on weird, but it is the good kind, the kind that will keep viewers entertained throughout the two seasons of its run.

3) The Orville (2017)


When comic genius Seth MacFarlane is the creator of a show, fans know that it's going to be a fun ride, and The Orville doesn't disappoint. MacFarlane also plays the lead protagonist, who goes by the name of Ed Mercer. He takes charge of an exploratory space vessel named the USS Orville. Then Mercer and his crew head out to explore space and experience multiple misadventures along the way.

Intelligent writing and perfect comedic timing make this sci-fi comedy show a must-watch. Part satire, part homage, this show will especially appeal to Star Trek fans.

4) Avenue 5 (2020)


Hugh Laurie has successfully dabbled in different genres throughout his career. Most viewers know him as the broody, sarcastic Dr. Gregory House, but he also has great comedic timing, as is evident from A Bit of Fry & Laurie, wherein Laurie with Stephen Fry would perform hilarious sketches for the audience.

In Avenue 5, Laurie plays the role of the overwhelmed captain of a space cruise ship that steers off course by mistake and will take three years to return to Earth. Passengers start panicking when they find out that supplies are limited onboard, and they might not make it back alive. Witty dialogues and memorable characters make this sci-fi comedy show worth the watch.

5) Resident Alien (2021)


When it comes to fascinating topics, aliens have always been high on the list. Starring Alan Tudyk in the lead, Resident Alien follows an alien who has orders to wipe out humanity. The alien ends up killing a pathology physician named Harry Vanderspeigle on vacation and assumes his identity. However, things get complicated when he is asked to do an autopsy for an ongoing investigation.

Tudyk's performance is flawless in this sci-fi comedy show. He expertly carries the narrative, and viewers cannot help but crack a smile every time Harry struggles to blend in.

Fans of Upload should make a point to watch these humorous, exciting, and addictive sci-fi comedy shows while they wait for season 3 to release on Amazon Prime.


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Edited by
Sakshi Tripathi
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