Why did Sasuke try to kill Sakura in Naruto?

Possible reasons why Sasuke tried to kill Sakura in the series (image via Pierrot)
Possible reasons why Sasuke tried to kill Sakura in the series (image via Pierrot)

Sasuke is one of the most well-known characters in the Naruto series and shares the same amount of screen time as the protagonist. He hails from the Uchiha clan and has experienced some of the most tragic events that one could think of.

Much of what he did in the series stemmed from a particular event that connected him, his parents, and his brother. The Uchiha clan massacre was one of the biggest plot points in the series, which could serve as Sasuke’s origin for his evil acts.

Reasons for Sasuke trying to kill Sakura in the Naruto series

Sakura Haruno absolutely adored Sasuke. However, Sasuke descended into the depths of rage and darkness that blinded him completely. Sasuke witnessed his own brother murder his entire clan, and Itachi asked Sasuke to embrace the rage to become strong. Sasuke’s only source of motivation to become a stronger shinobi was to kill Itachi Uchiha and avenge his family.


During the course of Naruto, Orochimaru capitalized on Sasuke’s hatred and thirst for revenge. He offered Sasuke immense power to become strong. Sasuke did not have any space left for happiness or compassion simply because of the fact that he wanted to kill Itachi. However, Sakura was always a character who showed love and compassion towards Sasuke.

Sasuke was at a stage when he considered those feelings as a sign of weakness since all he learned was that he had to build up enough rage and strength to murder his own brother. Therefore, it wasn’t all surprising when he tried to kill Sakura when she offered to join him.


Sasuke asked her to kill Karin, and when she hesitated to do so, Sasuke almost killed Sakura with his Chidori and would have succeeded if not for Kakashi’s intervention. When Sakura was instructed to take Karin away, she returned to the battlefield when Kakashi was fighting Sasuke. However, Sasuke almost killed Sakura again, but Naruto saved her just in time.

It was at that moment when both Naruto and Sakura saw just how far he descended into darkness due to his thirst for vengeance.

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