Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) update 1.5: Top 5 features to look out for 

Top 5 features to look out for in the Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update
Top 5 features to look out for in the Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update

Battlegrounds Mobile India is now officially available for Android Google Play Store. The game has already garnered millions of downloads on the app store. It offers a great battle royale experience in HD-quality graphics and managing dynamics. The new update to the game is just around the corner and here are the top 5 features to look out for

Top 5 features to look out for in the Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update:

1) Customised sensitivity settings:

Customized sensitivity settings in Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update
Customized sensitivity settings in Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update

The most exciting feature of the Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update is the customized sensitivity settings. With this feature, players will be able to set separate sensitivity settings for different weapons.

Players can add their favorite weapons to the list and set separate sensitivity settings for them. The feature will reduce the extra effort players go through.

2) iPad View:

iPad view in Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update
iPad view in Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update

Another great feature coming in the 1.5 version update is the iPad view. This feature will enhance the overall look of the in-game character. There is a lot of difference in how a character moves on an iPad and a smartphone. With this feature, players will be able to view their character better.

Also read: How to get free weapon skins in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

3) New Matrix Arena Mode:

Matrix Arena Mode in BGMI 1.5 version (Image via Indrajit Gaming YT)
Matrix Arena Mode in BGMI 1.5 version (Image via Indrajit Gaming YT)

The Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update will feature a new Matrix Arena Mode in the Erangel map. The mode will arrive with lots of changes like robot dogs. These dogs will help players get high-quality loot. There are launching pads as well.

4) New weapon:

New MG3 weapon in Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update
New MG3 weapon in Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.5 update

The next update of the game will also feature a brand new weapon. The weapon is a light machine gun called MG3. It offers two firing modes, single and auto. MG3 has an average damage per hit of 40 hitpoints. The weapon will be a great substitution for M249 and DP-28 LMGs in the game.

5) Healing throw feature:

Healing throw feature in BGMI 1.5 update
Healing throw feature in BGMI 1.5 update

The last feature on the list is the healing throw feature. With the help of this feature, players can throw healing items like Medkits and First Aid Kits. However, the total distance which these healing items can cover isn't clear. The feature will come in very handy when players are in different positions and lack healing items.

Also read: How to purchase Royale Pass in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)

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