5 best BGMI tips and tricks for accurate hip-fire shots

How to fire accurate hip-fire shots in BGMI
How to master hip-fire shots in BGMI (Image via Krafton)

Mastering hip-fire shots is a talent that can set you apart as a strong player in the fast-paced environment of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI). The ability to fire precise shots without using sights can be a game-changer in close-quarters combat situations. By adopting these methods into your gaming, you will improve your hip-firing efficacy, resulting in more successful engagements and victories on the battlefield.

This article looks into five crucial tips and strategies in BGMI that can help you with accurate hip-fire shots.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.

Crosshair placement, movements, and more tips and tricks for accurate hip-fire shots in BGMI

1) Crosshair placement and predictive aiming


Maintaining appropriate crosshair placement is one of the most important aspects of accurate hip-fire shots in BGMI. Maintain your crosshair at the head's level and align it with the common opponent positions. This strategy reduces the number of adjustments you must make when confronted with an opponent, increasing your chances of landing accurate shots.

Additionally, practice predictive targeting by anticipating your foes' movements. This entails aiming your crosshair where you anticipate the opponent will be rather than where they are at the time. With practice, you can increase your accuracy by firing at the right area ahead of time.

2) Mastering movement and positioning


Your movement and location have a big impact on your hip-firing accuracy in BGMI. Learning to efficiently strafe and crouch while firing can make you a more difficult target to strike. Strafing is the act of moving sideways while shooting, which might throw your opponent's aim off.

Combine strafing with crouching for even better results, as crouching reduces the size of your hitbox. To improve your hip-fire accuracy, try peeking around corners while exposing as little of yourself as possible while retaining a clean line of sight on your opponent. This reduces your vulnerability while increasing your chances of making shots.

3) Weapon selection and recoil control


When hip-fired, different weapons in BGMI have differing degrees of accuracy. When compared to Rifles, SMGs and Shotguns are often more accurate in hip-fire mode. Select your weapon based on your playstyle and the situation. Shotguns, for example, are dangerous at close range, although SMGs can be effective at medium range.

Practice controlling the recoil of your chosen weapon as well. Recoil management allows you to keep your rounds on target during protracted firefights.

4) Utilize attachments and sensitivity settings


Make use of attachments that improve hip-fire accuracy in BGMI. Certain attachments, such as laser sights, can enhance your hip-fire accuracy dramatically. These attachments reduce the spread of your bullets, making it simpler to hit shots. Experiment with various attachments to find the optimal combo for your chosen weapons.

It is also critical to fine-tune your sensitivity settings in BGMI. Finding the correct blend of speed and precision allows you to quickly aim at foes while keeping control of your shots. Adjust the sensitivity levels to suit your level of comfort and accuracy.

5) Map awareness and pre-aiming


To get an advantage in hip-fire battles, familiarize yourself with the maps in BGMI. Knowing common choke points, hotspots, and regions with close-quarters combat will help you tactically position yourself. Pre-aiming entails positioning your crosshair where you expect an enemy to appear.

When an opponent appears, this strategy minimizes the time it takes to align your crosshair, giving you a split-second advantage. Practice pre-aiming at various locations to improve your skills over time.

Bonus point: Staying calm under pressure


Keeping your cool throughout tough conflicts is essential for achieving accurate hip-fire shots. Panicking can result in hasty shots and missed opportunities. Even during battle, practice managing your breathing and focusing on maintaining your crosshair placement and movement techniques.

You'll be able to make more reasoned decisions, react faster to opponent movements, and boost your chances of landing accurate hip-fire bullets if you stay calm. Developing this mental discipline can considerably help you succeed in hip-fire encounters in BGMI.

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