10 things Animal Crossing: New Horizons villagers do that are extremely annoying

Villagers. Image via Distractify
Villagers. Image via Distractify

Villagers are one of the best aspects of Animal Crossing. Being able to essentially have a small town right at their fingertips is a huge draw for the players, and viillagers are the biggest part of that acquisition.

Most of the shops and items would not be available without villagers and some of them are really, really great. Villagers are the most iconic part of Animal Crossing and most are pretty good.

Some, however, are not and even the good ones can do some annoying things.

Animal Crossing Villager annoyances

10. Insults

While some players love the rude comments from villagers, it is still uncalled for. After giving them land to stay on and often helping them with things, the least they can do is be nice.

Villager insults. Image via Tech Raptor
Villager insults. Image via Tech Raptor

9. Overdoing the compliments

Villagers are mostly very nice and love to compliment players on their work, but it gets old pretty soon. It's even worse when multiple villagers pile on the same compliments.

8. Projects

Villagers don't help much with projects, nor do they pay enough either. Players usually donate almost all the bells, and a villager will donate a random 150 to the project.

Then they receive all the credit for helping, which is annoying.

Donations to a project. Image via Nookipedia
Donations to a project. Image via Nookipedia

7. Buying gifts

Animal Crossing players have the option to give villagers gifts. It's a nice feature to allow players to show their companions some appreciation, but then the latter wants to pay for the gift (defeating the purpose).

Plus, there's never a lot of bells so it's not even worth it, really. Maybe it's worse if they don't give anything in return, though.

6. Stalking

It's mostly harmless, but it is quite annoying when villagers follow players around. Just because players and villagers live closely together doesn't mean every moment is meant to be shared.

Villagers and players. Image via iMore
Villagers and players. Image via iMore

5. Selling junk

Villagers can be really great, and they're quite helpful when they give Animal Crossing players good and useful items. When they're selling junk, though, it's frustrating to say the least.

Junk. Image via Animal Crossing Wiki
Junk. Image via Animal Crossing Wiki

4. Watering flowers

It can be very helpful to grow the flowers, but if Animal Crossing players are going for a certain breed or layout, the random watering by villagers can totally derail that. Just ask first, villagers.

3. Catchphrases

Catchphrases can be cool, and it's nice to help them come up with one, but pretty soon afterwards, the entire island is throwing it around which is not that fun.

2. Items

Giving Animal Crossing players items is a great feature that villagers have. However, it becomes annoying when they give already bought items, and even worse when it was a recent purchase.

Villager. Image via Reddit
Villager. Image via Reddit

1. Duplicate recipes

It can be difficult to acquire DIY recipes with players having to put in a lot of time and effort. Getting them from villagers is great, but there is nothing more frustrating than receiving a duplicate.

DIY recipes. Image via Inverse
DIY recipes. Image via Inverse

Which of these things is the most annoying?

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