5 early-game survival tips and tricks in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Beginner tips and tricks for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (image via Nintendo)
Beginner tips and tricks for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)

Nintendo’s highly anticipated The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom has finally gotten its official release, and franchise fans are having a great time enjoying their time in Hyrule once again. While the game is a direct sequel to 2017's The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Nintendo has made some key gameplay and combat-related changes to deliver a fresh experience.

Much like the previous title, Tears of the Kingdom has remained an open-world action-adventure game with mild role-playing elements, allowing players to customize their combat experience as they see fit. Although the game is not particularly challenging, the early-game sections can feel a little daunting due to low vigor, lack of powerful weaponry, armor, and more.

While the game is quite generous when it comes to rewarding you with new tools for your arsenal, newcomers might often find themselves lost and underpowered against the tougher challenges Hyrule can throw at them.

Hence, today’s tips and tricks will go over some of the things that you will need to do to have an easy time in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Beginner tips and tricks for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom


Much like in the previous game, once you complete the prologue and make it to the open-world section of Hyrule, you are free to do whatever you please. From exploring the vast stretches of the open world to searching every nook and cranny for hidden treasure chests, there is a lot you can get done before you tackle the main storyline.

However, you might find yourself quite underpowered against many of the enemies in the game due to Link's starting stats being quite low. Even the open world itself will have restrictions that won't allow you to explore certain sections of the map unless you are equipped with appropriate armor or have access to certain weapons and tools.

Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to get past the early-game sections of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom:

1) Grab a shield as early as possible

Parrying is crucial in the Legend of Zelda The Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)
Parrying is crucial in the Legend of Zelda The Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)

In The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you only have two ways to avoid damage from direct attacks, i.e., dodging or blocking. However, the game does not feature a dodge roll. Instead, you have to manually reposition yourself or dash around the battlefield to dodge enemy attacks. This can be cumbersome, especially during the early phase of the game, where you have very limited stamina.

Blocking, on the other hand, is a much more effective way to negate incoming damage, but to block, you will need access to a shield. You can find shields in treasure chests littered across the overworld, so it's a good idea to explore the world and find a shield as soon as you can.

2) Manage your stamina

Stamina management in Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)
Stamina management in Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)

Stamina management was one of the most crucial aspects of gameplay in The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and it remains the same in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Although you have a minuscule stamina gauge at the start of the game, it is enough to get you past some of the early enemy encounters and environmental challenges, as long as you properly manage stamina consumption.

Using light attack combos, sprinting in short bursts, and keeping a good amount of stamina-boosting recipes and ingredients handy are some of the ways to manage stamina in the game.

3) Experiment with different weapons and abilities

Experiment with weapons in Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)
Experiment with weapons in Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)

Experimentation and coming up with unique as well as creative ways to deal with various environmental obstacles is another important aspect to master in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

You should not shy away from trying out new and different weapon types, and you can combine them with Link's new "Fuse" ability to create some really unique weapon combinations that can help you frame your own playstyle.

4) Take your time to explore the open-world

Explore every part of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)
Explore every part of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)

Being an open-world game, The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom puts heavy emphasis on organic exploration and rewards players' curiosity on every level. Be it the open stretches of Hyrule's grassy plains, the perilous deserted areas, or even the abandoned caves and caverns, every inch of the map is filled with some really unique rewards.

From weapons, armor, rare crafting, and cooking resources to full-length side quests and optional boss fights, there is a lot to discover.

5) Collect cooking resources

Cooking in Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)
Cooking in Tears of the Kingdom (Image via Nintendo)

Cooking is a big part of The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom’s gameplay loop. There are a plethora of different recipes that you can craft to give Link certain stat boosts, from temporarily increasing Link’s stamina to giving him additional health. There are also certain food recipes and ingredients that help increase Link’s tolerance to heat, cold, and other status ailments.

To craft these recipes, you will need ingredients, which are easily found by exploring the world. The rare food ingredients that you may not always come across while exploring Hyrule can be bought from the merchants across various settlements in the game.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is a vast game, and it will take more than a hundred hours for you to completely go through every single piece of content it has to offer. Although the early-game sections can be a bit tricky to get through, with a bit of experimentation as well as careful resource and stat management, you can easily make your way past any initial hurdles.

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