5 landing spots in Call of Duty: Warzone that are almost impossible to survive

All time best Hot Drops in Warzone/ Image via Activision
All time best Hot Drops in Warzone/ Image via Activision

Call of Duty Warzone is undoubtedly the most popular realistic Battle Royale out there. With more than 100 million official players, that game continues to grow everyday. The free-to-play factor has also added to the growing popularity.

One advantage of having such a huge player base is that players do not have to wait long to find matches. However, Warzone has proved to be a problematic platform when it comes to tolerating hackers and cheaters. While Raven Software and Activision have both been vocal that they do not entertain hackers, Warzone is filled with them. Apart from hackers, there are also multiple other issues like bugs and glitches with every update.

Nonetheless, the most irritating aspect of any game is dropping in only to die to the enemy almost immediately and return to the lobby and wait for another match. Hot drops are very common in Battle Royale games and here is a list of impossible drops in Warzone.

Top 5 Hot Drops in Warzone

#1- Nakatomi Plaza


This is a fairly recent one and is currently not available in the game after it was removed in the Season 4 update in June. However, players were driven mad when Raven Software added the famous location from the Die Hard movie franchise. The recreation was authentic and players were hot dropping in Nakatomi in all matches. Even Dr Disrespect did not survive the Die Hard wrath.

#2- Superstore


One of the most trustworthy drops in Warzone, skilled players always choose to drop in Superstore for the loot. The base loot is incredible and the players who excel in initial fights will definitely want to drop here. Surviving the Superstore might seem impossible at first, but that is where the actual fight is.

#3- Gora Dam


Another hotdrop that OG warzone players always like to go back to. Zone 1A has been added and removed from the map but it continues to be a favorite hot drop. Loot is not the best when multiple teams drop in, but surviving at Gora Dam was an achievement in itself back in the day. Season 4 Verdansk does not feature the dam, but there are leaks that say it might come back soon.

#4- Summit


Summit in Warzone is currently located in the exact region where the Dam was previously situated. Summit offers an interesting playstyle with different interconnecting levels that offer sniper angles and encourage heavy use of tacticals to secure eliminations.

#5- Downtown


Downtown was a great spot to drop for optimum loot back in the Modern Warfare days. It is still a heavy traffic area in Season 4 and year-old players in Warzone still like to drop in Downtown and stack up kills in the first circle. Downtown has a lot of buildings and is filled with campers who silently loot up and wait for the enemy rush to pass before moving. Beware of the dark corners because a stray Roze might finish the entire squad with a MG-82.

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