5 most preferred Genshin Impact characters for Spiral Abyss floor 12 in version 1.6

Data points to the most used Genshin Impact characters on floor 12 of the 1.6 Spiral Abyss (Image via miHoYo)
Data points to the most used Genshin Impact characters on floor 12 of the 1.6 Spiral Abyss (Image via miHoYo)

Floor 12 is the last challenge in the Spiral Abyss, which is perhaps the most difficult thing to complete in Genshin Impact.

Many players who have perfectly cleared the 1.6 abyss have submitted their data to Appsample. Here, data shows the usage rates of each character on floors 9-12. Usage rate considers the players who own a certain character and looks at the percentage of them who use that character.

This article covers the characters with the highest usage rates on floor 12 and explains why they're such popular choices.

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5 Genshin Impact characters with the highest usage rates in the 1.6 Spiral Abyss

5) Hu Tao (72.5%)

Hu Tao (image via Genshin Impact Wiki)

It's no secret by now that Hu Tao is one of the best DPS characters in Genshin Impact. Her Elemental Burst deals huge damage numbers, and her charged attacks make her very powerful in general combat.

Against the Abyss Lector and Abyss Herald on floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss, Hu Tao's Pyro Vision comes in handy. She can deal consistent Pyro damage with her Elemental Skill, breaking down these enemies' hefty elemental shields. Players can pair Hu Tao with an Anemo character to break these shields even more easily.

4) Bennett (80.3%)

Bennett (image via Genshin Impact Wiki)

Genshin Impact players have consistently placed Bennett near the top of their tier lists. He's one of the best support characters, able to deal with Pyro sub-DPS with his elemental abilities. When paired with an Anemo character like Jean, swirling Pyro becomes very easy, making Bennett a great option for dealing with the Abyss Lector and Herald.


Of course, Bennett's strongest asset is his Elemental Burst. This allows him to provide a teamwide attack buff and heal party members, which is very useful since food is prohibited in the Spiral Abyss.

3) Venti (89.1%)

Venti (image via Genshin Impact Wiki)

Venti is agreeably the best character in the game when it comes to crowd control. His Elemental Burst draws multiple enemies to a single area where the main DPS character can do serious damage.

Though his abilities are less useful in the first chamber of floor 12, Venti is great for the remainder of the floor. He can create Swirl reactions that do wonders when it comes to breaking shields. His Elemental Burst damage is also incredible, so players can always use him for sub-DPS.

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2) Ganyu (90.7%)

Ganyu (image via Genshin Impact Wiki)

Like Hu Tao, Ganyu is considered one of the best DPS options in Genshin Impact. She's also the top choice among DPS characters for the 1.6 Spiral Abyss, on floor 12 and overall.

Ganyu's charged attacks make her the great character she is, dealing Cryo damage in an AoE and potentially wiping away hordes of fodder. Her Elemental Skill is also instrumental in the abyss, distracting enemies and leading them to a specific place.

Furthermore, as a Cryo character, Ganyu can handle almost all of the floor 12 enemies. There is a Cryo Abyss Mage and Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage that she may struggle with. However, the Hydro and Electro shields on other enemies should be easy work for Ganyu.

1) Zhongli (94.7%)

Zhongli (image via Genshin Impact Wiki)

Zhongli's popularity in Genshin Impact is really stunning, especially in retrospect of how disappointed players were upon his initial release. Now, however, many players see Zhongli as the number one support character in the game.

Regarding shield support, no other character is as good as Zhongli, who can keep a strong shield throughout an entire battle. His sub-DPS is also pretty good, especially when paired with characters who can create additional Geo constructs.


On floor 12, and really any floor in the Spiral Abyss, Zhongli can serve to protect the team. Health is crucial in the abyss, and Zhongli makes it easier to run a team with no healer through any of the floors.

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