5 tips to beat Oceanid easily in Genshin Impact

Oceanid (Image via MonkeyKingHero)
Oceanid (Image via MonkeyKingHero)

Players of Genshin Impact have faced many bosses during their time exploring the world of Teyvat, but the Oceanid may be one of the hardest.

With its overwhelming summons and huge AOE damage, the Oceanid can be very difficult for an unprepared player. However, there are a few tips that can make the Oceanid very easy, allowing players to farm for Hydro characters with ease. This will also help with the new Wishful Drops event coming soon. Here are five tips to make Oceanid easy:

  1. Use a Cryo character
  2. Use a strong Electro character
  3. Utilize the Crystallize reaction
  4. Dodge Hydro bombs by jumping into the water
  5. Know which minions to defeat first

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How to beat the Oceanid easily in Genshin Impact

With these tips, beating the Oceanid in Genshin Impact will be as easy as possible. These tips take advantage of Elemental reactions to both immobilize enemies and safeguard characters from taking damage.

(Image via TSoul22)
(Image via TSoul22)

#5: Know which minions to defeat first

The Oceanid sends many of its Hydro minions at players to try and defeat them in this Genshin Impact boss battle. Certain minions should be high priority targets for players, as they have the potential to deal much more damage than their counterparts. Players should especially watch out for the Frogs due to their many AOE attacks, the flying Raptors due to their height advantage and fast dives, and the Crabs due to their speed and large amounts of health.

#4: Dodge Hydro bombs by plunging into the water

(Image via Dominic Semu)
(Image via Dominic Semu)

Many players might not know about this tip to defeating the Oceanid. If a player is stuck between one of the many Hydro bombs that are summoned during the fight, they can simply perform a plunging attack into the nearby water to fully dodge the attack. This can save players from taking a huge chunk of damage and will definitely make this Genshin Impact boss easier.

#3: Utilize the Crystallize reaction

(Image via mihoyo)
(Image via mihoyo)

Crystallize may be an overlooked reaction, but it can make the Oceanid battle impossible to fail. Crystallize is a reaction that occurs when the Geo element meets another element and creates a crystal that appears on the floor. Players who pick up this crystal will be shielded against whatever element that created it. Due to the Oceanid dealing only Hydro damage, having a shield made from a Hydro + Geo Crystallize will make all of the enemies unable to damage the player.

#2: Use a strong Electro character

(Image via Mihoyo)
(Image via Mihoyo)

Electro can make the Oceanid fight much easier due to its AOE reaction with Hydro. Simply applying Electro to any of the minions that the Oceanid spawns will cause a chain reaction of Electro-Charged to spread out between the many monsters and deal constant damage. This also has the added effect of slowing down many of the monsters, making this Genshin Impact battle much quicker for players.

#1: Use a Cryo Character

(Image via Mihoyo)
(Image via Mihoyo)

Cryo is the ultimate way to deal with anything the Oceanid throws at Genshin Impact players. Everything that the Oceanid summons is Hydro, so any Cryo application freezes them on the spot, keeping them from moving or attacking. Players can use this time to defeat all of the enemies at once, reposition, or heal any critically wounded allies. Taking advantage of Freeze can turn this once difficult battle into one of Genshin Impact's easiest.

All of these tips can be taken advantage of with a single team, so players should definitely put together a composition that can take down the Oceanid easily. It looks like players may be dealing with the Oceanid more often due to the new events, so learning these strategies will be important for Genshin Impact players.

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