5 most used Genshin Impact characters in version 2.3 Spiral Abyss

Kazuha remains one of the strongest characters (Image via Genshin Impact)
Kazuha remains one of the strongest characters (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact's Spiral Abyss is the most challenging content in the game, with most players striving to complete it with each rotation. This powerful arena squares fans off against some dangerous foes, pitting them against the clock as they battle for great rewards.

The Spiral Abyss is one of the only ways to repeatedly gain Primogems in Genshin Impact, so completing it is a big goal for most fans. Thankfully, players can utilize their strongest teams to take on the Abyss, and with Genshin's incredible lineup, picking the right characters is important. Players can see five of the most popular Spiral Abyss choices here.

Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact: 5 most popular characters for version 2.3

Thanks to Genshin Impact stat trackers, players can see the most utilized teams and characters in the Spiral Abyss. Fans from across the world collaborate to create accurate lists of their Abyss choices, which players can use to craft their own teams. Each of these characters is an amazing choice, and players can use them to take down the Abyss with ease.

5) Xingqiu

As one of the game's best enablers, Xingqiu features in tons of team compositions. His Hydro application is second to none, and he deals tons of damage as well. Xingqiu is an amazing choice from Constellation 0, and can always provide a ton of value. Players who have a Xingqiu won't want to ignore building him, as he can completely change a team's effectiveness.

4) Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun has risen through the ranks of characters, becoming a staple choice in many teams that need Electro. Her off-field application is useful and consistent, and she can tear through enemies with her insane Elemental Burst. Her energy recharge can also keep teams topped up, making her a great choice for burst centric teams like the National team.

3) Bennett

Genshin Impact players likely won't be surprised by Bennett's place on this list. He remains the game's best healer and buffer, with some insane buffs to damage and ridiculous healing all in one skill. He can even dish out some great damage of his own, and shreds through shields thanks to his Elemental Skill.

Players who aren't utilizing Bennett on their teams will definitely want to give him a try, as he makes the Abyss far easier.

2) Zhongli

Zhongli had a rocky start, but thanks to his massive buffs, he has risen through the ranks and remains a stellar choice in the Abyss. Zhongli's shields can make dodging an afterthought, which makes fighting far easier. The shields also provide some huge damage buffs thanks to their resistance shred.

Fans who have a hard time taking down enemies without falling in battle will definitely want to pick up Zhongli when he returns in Genshin Impact 2.4.

1) Kazuha

Kazuha was overlooked upon his release in Genshin Impact, but he has become one of the best choices in the Spiral Abyss. Kazuha's utility is second to none, with his grouping skill dealing some great damage with a low cooldown.

He has massive AOE (area of effect), which helps take down smaller enemies quickly, and he can buff his teammates by a large amount. Kazuha can also take advantage of the Viridescent Venerer set, making him an even stronger support.

Taking on the Spiral Abyss is sure to be far easier with these characters on a team. Players should definitely give each of these characters a try.

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