5 most used Genshin Impact teams in Spiral Abyss Floor 12 (March 2022)

Raiden National is still a popular choice (Image via miHoYo)
Raiden National is still a popular choice (Image via miHoYo)

Genshin Impact 2.5's Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss tends to stump most players, but several good team comps can make it easier. Travelers should use two teams to complete this floor, with this article focusing on one team comp at a time.

Each entry will briefly discuss the intended half that the teams are meant for and their current usage rates. It doesn't mean that these are the only teams that can complete the Spiral Abyss, just that they're the most popular.

Note: This article is based on Spiral Abyss.org's latest data and prioritizes different team comps rather than swapping one unit out.

Most used teams for Spiral Abyss' Floor 12 in Genshin Impact (March 2022)

5) Bennett/Kazuha/Raiden/Yae Miko


Both this team and the next one are focused on the first half of Genshin Impact 2.5's Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss. This team actually has higher usage than the next team for the first chamber, but it falls off a little by the second and third chamber.

The team is largely self-explanatory. Bennett provides healing and a powerful ATK buff, and Kazuha deals an insane amount of consistent damage with his Elemental Burst.

Both Yae Miko and Raiden appreciate the current Blessing of the Abyssal Moon, while Yae Miko's recent release has made her popular to experiment with as of late. This team's usage rate ranges from 3.36% to 3.59% in Genshin Impact.

4) Xiangling/Bennett/Childe/Kazuha


International Childe has been popular for this floor for several updates, although its popularity goes up and down depending on the enemy lineup. This current variation favors this team, particularly in the first half of Floor 12 of the current Spiral Abyss.

None of the enemies in the first half will give this team much trouble, although this team can also see success in the second half. This team's usage rate ranges from 3.39% to 3.99% in Genshin Impact.

3) Xiangling/Zhongli/Bennett/Ganyu


Chamber 2 of Floor 12 features a Golden Wolflord in the second half. Given that this boss is notoriously unfriendly to teams lacking a Geo unit, it's no surprise that the highest used team comps for the second half use at least one Geo unit.

Similarly, Ganyu handles that boss and the Primordial Bathysmal Vishaps rather well. Likewise, Xiangling and Bennett have had consistently high usage in the Spiral Abyss for a long time now.

This team's usage for the second half of Floor 12 ranges from 6.25% to 6.58% in Genshin Impact.

2) Zhongli/Xingqiu/Albedo/Hu Tao


Both Zhongli and Albedo are good characters in their own right, with the former's shields being handy for protecting Hu Tao as she annihilates the enemies on Floor 12.

Xingqiu is an excellent support option, but the next team often uses him, so Genshin Impact players would have to rely on another team for the first half of Floor 12.

This team's usage rate for the second half of this floor ranges from 11.86% to 12.59% in Genshin Impact. There is also a more F2P version that replaces Albedo with Ningguang.

1) Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett/Raiden


This team is consistently one of the most used teams for the first half of each chamber on Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss. The Raiden National team has been a popular option for a while now, and the current Blessing of the Abyssal Moon already favors the Raiden Shogun.

This team's usage ranges from 11.69% to 12.96%, which is substantially higher than any other team composition for the first half in Genshin Impact. All four units are incredibly valuable in the Spiral Abyss, so it's unlikely that this team will ever truly fall off in the upcoming update.

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