All Genshin Impact character birthdays in April and May 2022

Upcoming birthdays of characters (Image via Genshin Impact)
Upcoming birthdays of characters (Image via Genshin Impact)

Birthdays are a special occasion to celebrate in Genshin Impact, where players can obtain free items. They receive flavor texts written by the Birthday Boy or Girl with special consumable items and additional gifts. The birthday gifts will not necessarily include must-have items for players.

It is also not necessary that users need to own a character to receive mail from them in the Genshin Impact inbox.

Genshin Impact: Diluc among those with birthdays in April and May

Yunjin and Gorou with a birthday cake (Image via HoYoverse)
Yunjin and Gorou with a birthday cake (Image via HoYoverse)

Six characters in total have their birthdays coming between April and May in Genshin Impact. Here is a list of characters that will have their birthdays in the upcoming months:

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Keep in mind that Aloy, Gorou, and Yun Jin do not yet have their own personalized birthday emails that will be sent to gamers’ inboxes on their birthdays.

Xiao (Apirl 17)

Constellation - Alatus Nemeseos

When players log in on Xiao’s birthday, they will receive a personalized birthday mail from him containing ten crystal flies and Xiao’s special dish called “Sweet Dream.” The only other way to get this special dish is to own a Xiao to cook it.

Sweet Dream is an ATK boosting dish that can increase party members’ attacks by 114 in the next 300 seconds.

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Diluc (April 30)

Constellation - Noctua

Diluc will send a sweet message to players asking about their adventures and admiring some of the traveler’s qualities and how he reflects on them. The mail will also include two special dishes that can be consumed at any time by players. The first consumable is called “Once Upon a Time in Mondstadt,” a special dish that users can cook using Diluc.

Like Xiao, this special dish is an ATK boosting dish that can increase all party members’ CRIT Rate by 20% and CRIT DMG by 20% for 300s. Additionally, players will find Apple Cider in the mail, a recovery dish that restores 26% of the Max HP of the characters.

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Fischl (May 27)

Constellation - Corvus

Fischl considers her birthday a special occasion as she took her birthday on this date. Instead of making a birthday wish for herself, she makes a wish to grant travelers the power to crush any obstacle that comes during their adventures in Genshin Impact.

Like Xiao, Fischl offers 10 Crystal cores alongside Die Heilige Sinfonie, German for the Holy Symphony. This is Fischl’s special dish that can increase party members’ Physical DMG by 55% for the next 300 seconds.

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