All Genshin Impact Onikabuto locations in Inazuma

Onikabuto can be tricky to find (Image via Genshin Impact)
Onikabuto can be tricky to find (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact's newest 4-star character, Shikanoin Heizou, will require players to gather quite a few Onikabuto to reach level 90. These purple bugs are an Inazuman regional specialty and can only be found throughout the land of Electro. Players will need to keep their eyes peeled for the beetles as they tend to be found climbing on trees in areas that are heavily infused with Electro, making it hard to collect them all.

Players can find a map with all of the Onikabuto locations on it here to help make the hunt much easier.

Onikabuto locations revealed in Genshin Impact

Collecting Onikabuto in Genshin Impact can be a tricky task, given that these purple beetles love to live in areas where tons of electricity gathers. Players will need to make sure they have their Electrogranum leveled up if they want to gather the largest amount of Onikabuto, though a good number of them can be found clinging to trees outside of these danger zones.

The official map shows Onikabuto locations (Image via Hoyoverse)
The official map shows Onikabuto locations (Image via Hoyoverse)

Genshin Impact's official interactive map can make hunting down these beetles a breeze, as it shows their locations throughout Inazuma. Fans will need to travel between many of the islands in the region, as the bugs can be found all the way from Narukami Island to Seirai Island. They generally cling to plant life, meaning once gamers reach an area marked on the map, they'll want to inspect trees and other shrubbery to find the Onikabuto.

Some of the best places to find Onikabuto are hidden until players complete certain quests in the Inazuma storyline. One of the first places to farm the beetles easily is unlocked once the Traveler can enter Inazuma City, as below the city itself hides a haven for the bugs. Traveling through this area will net gamers four or five of the beetles each time, making it a great place to start looking.


Another place to find a good amount of Onikabuto is the roots of the Sacred Sakura Tree, though this area is locked off until players complete a long quest for the shrine maiden in Konda Village. This area is a great place to gather the beetles as they are easy to spot and are placed in convenient locations.

Gamers will need at least 168 Onikabuto to reach the max level for Shikanoin Heizou. Unfortunately, there are not enough in a single world to reach the max level with one rotation.

This leaves players with the option to either wait until the beetles reset after two days or head into other Traveler's worlds. By accessing other worlds, fans can head to the same spots and collect the beetles once again, allowing them to reach the required amount much quicker.

Genshin Impact's regional specialties can be hard to collect, but thanks to the game's official interactive map, it is much easier to find Onikabuto.

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