Apex Legends players continue to battle server issues despite client-side patch update

Apex Legends' server issues continue (Image via Respawn Entertainment)
Apex Legends' server issues continue (Image via Respawn Entertainment)

The Apex Legends community is witnessing a lot of discussions on forums like Twitter and Reddit regarding the persisting server issues. Respawn Entertainment announced that the devs were looking into the matter and that a patch had been sent to fix the server issues.

Despite these efforts, the Apex Legends player base continues to face the aforementioned server issues which they were facing before the patch update was released.

The current situation in Apex Legends

Apex Legends players are still facing a myriad of problems ranging from not being able to enter into the game to players getting abandonment penalties in Ranked games due to glitchy servers.

The Apex Legends player base enjoys playing this game, but it’s frustrating for a lot of players who are not even able to enter the game. While a majority of the players are facing several issues, there are a few players who have no hitches while playing the game.

The devs at Respawn announced that they had sent out a client-side patch that would fix the server crashing issues and 'user disconnected' errors that players are facing in Apex Legends. Here’s a list of fixes Respawn claims to have made during the most recent patch sent out on September 22, 2021.

9/22/2021 Update

  • Fixed a crashing error sometimes caused by equipping animated banner poses
  • Fixed an error with using a Crafting replicator ("PopLockFOV called more often than PushLockFOV")
  • Fixed being unable to hold to swap from an equipped Red Evo armor to a Gold Armor, if Red Evo armor had more health
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Pathfinder to melee far faster than intended
  • Fixed Pathfinder Emote "Old Bot, New Trick" using the wrong icon
  • Nintendo Switch: Fixed "Press Left Stick to toggle Zoom" message displaying in the middle of the weapon sight
  • Fixed Bangalore's "Solar Soldier" skin obscuring the screen while ADSing while holding down her tactical ability
  • Misc stability fixes, including fixing some errors that can cause disconnections


  • Fixed being able to regenerate ammo for Sheila by meleeing
  • Fixed players being able to reduce Sheila's bullet spread by crouching
  • Added transition animations for Rampart's heirloom when the weapon is inspected while Rampart is sprinting.
  • Stability fixes

Private Matches

  • Fixed players not receiving updated lobby settings when finishing a previous Private Match
  • Fixed an error in Arenas that occurred when attempting to open the map
  • Fixed players not showing up correctly in pre-match Team UI

The developers at Respawn are working hard to fix the variety of issues players are still facing, but no further timeline for fixes has been shared yet.

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