Ayaka vs Venti: Which Genshin Impact character is a better pick in version 2.6?

Venti and Ayaka will both be available during 2.6 (Image via Genshin Impact)
Venti and Ayaka will both be available during 2.6 (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact's 2.6 update will give players the opportunity to wish for both Venti and Ayaka, two powerful 5-star characters who haven't been featured in a while.

The two characters are incredibly strong and fans have a hard decision to make when choosing between who to wish for. However, Venti and Ayaka fit very different roles on a team, and gamers should be aware of each character's pros and cons. Travelers having a hard time making the choice can find some explanations on who to pick here.

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Should Genshin Impact players choose Genshin Impact 2.6 Ayaka or Venti from the new rerun banners

Thanks to the Genshin Impact 2.6 livestream, fans now know the list of banners coming during the game's new update. Both Kamisato Ayaka and the Anemo Archon Venti will be making their return to the featured banner during this update, and fans will have a tough time choosing either one.

Given that Primogems are limited and most fans don't have the ability to unlock every character, choosing the correct 5-star from these new banners is important to making the perfect teams. Here are some pros and cons for each character on the upcoming banner.

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Why players should choose Venti

Venti remains one of the game's strongest supports, making him a staple choice in many high level team compositions. He enables his teammates to dish out tons of uninterrupted damage thanks to his incredible Elemental Burst that traps foes in a whirling vortex.

Venti is also a stellar battery character, especially for Anemo units like Xiao. Fans who need a strong supporting character, or a unit to carry the Viridescent Venerer set will definitely want to pick up Venti.

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While characters like Kazuha or Sucrose both have areas where they excel past Venti, the Anemo Archon remains at the top of the game in terms of versatility. However, Venti's overall damage is generally low unless players build for it, which results in his support capabilities dropping.

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Why players should choose Ayaka

Genshin Impact has no lack of strong main DPS characters, but Kamisato Ayaka is definitely one of the most stylish. If fans don't have a powerful Cryo carry on any of their teams, picking Ayaka is a sure-fire way to increase their damage by a ton.

Ayaka's Elemental Burst is one of the hardest hitting in the game, able to output tons of damage to any unlucky enemies caught in its slicing maelstrom. Ayaka also has a set of unique Normal Attack animations and a powerful Charged Attack that can tear foes to ribbons.

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If players want to try utilizing a Cryo based team and they don't have characters like Ganyu, Ayaka is an amazing choice. However, Ayaka's sole purpose is dealing damage, and outside of some incredible water traversal abilities, she doesn't provide much else to a team.

Genshin Impact 2.6's latest banner provides players with a seriously tough decision to make, but it can be a lot easier with the right teams in mind.

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