Which is the best Frost Queen Topping in Cookie Run: Kingdom?

Frost Queen Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom (Image via Sportskeeda)
Frost Queen Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom (Image via Sportskeeda)

Cookie Run: Kingdom players use toppings to strengthen their party in story mode battles as well as in PvPs. Toppings are available in different varieties and each topping has its special perk. Players can assign toppings to cookies if there is an empty slot and that particular topping will boost the cookie's ability.

Frost Queen Cookie is a Cookie of Legendary rarity. She belongs to the Magic Class and by default, her position is prioritized to the Middle. The best toppings to use the Frost Queen Cookie are Swift Chocolate or Searing Raspberry. This article explains why these toppings should be paired with Frost Queen Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom.

Best Toppings to use with Frost Queen Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom


Frost Queen Cookie was first revealed along with Cotton Cookie in the first part of the Frost Witch and the Lantern in the Snow update. She is one of the best Magic Class cookies available in the game.

All Cookies start out with 1 topping slot and gain one more at their 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th Levels for a total of 5 slots. Currently, only XS (Common), S (Rare), and M (Epic) toppings are available in-game.

Ambush Cookies and Magic Cookies are usually paired with toppings like Searing Raspberry and Swift Chocolate. It either increases a cookie's attack or decreases their skill cooldown.

Searing Raspberry vs Swift Chocolate for Frost Queen Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom


Swift Chocolate Topping is one of the best paired toppings available for Frost Queen Cookie in the game. Frost Queen Cookie has a base skill cooldown set at 18 seconds, which is a lot. Swift Chocolate Topping reduces cooldown by 0.4% at base level and at 1.1% and 1.8% with more upgrades.

On the other hand, Searing Raspberry topping increases the attack of a cookie, which is a bonus for cookies like Frost Queen Cookie. Middle line-up cookies deal damage to the enemy while frontline cookies defend them. Searing Raspberry Topping increases the attack by 1% at base level and at 2% and 3% with further upgrades.

Based on their party, players can decide which topping they want to pair the cookie with. If a player wants less cooldown, they go for Swift Chocolate and if they want increased attack, they go for Searing Raspberry.

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